Govt Criticized for Failing to Stop Famo Gang Murders in Lesotho

The Lesotho government has come under fire for ineffective measures to tackle the escalating Famo gang-related murders across the country, despite declaring them illegal.

Mokhothu Makhalanyane, chairperson of the Social Cluster Portfolio Committee, has called for a state of emergency to empower law enforcement agencies to root out the gangs. However, Democratic Congress deputy leader, Motlalentoa Letsosa, suggests that negotiations with gang leaders, as done in 2016, could be a more effective approach.

Thabo Sekonyela the government spokesperson has rejected this advice, saying that the current administration is doing its best to address the issue while criticizing the previous government's failure to combat the problem effectively.

Terene ea Khosi Mokata leader, Tṧepiso “Mosotho” Radebe, has called on Lesotho's Prime Minister Sam Matekane to ensure national security members are rooted out of Famo groups, accusing them of inciting chaos in these infamous gangs behind ubiquitous murders across the country, according to Lesotho Times.

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