Liberia: Gov’t Closes 'The NEWS', Holds Chairman for Questioning

22 November 2001

Washington, DC — The Liberian government has closed down 'The NEWS' newspaper in Monrovia, while the paper’s chairman is being investigated by officers at security headquarters, although they deny that he is being detained.

According to sources in Monrovia, the paper was closed on Tuesday, November 20, by the Ministry of Finance, without any court authorisation, on the grounds that the company owes 125,000 Liberian dollars (US$2,780) in tax arrears. Ministry officials locked the offices after giving 24 hours notice.

As The NEWS doors were being shut, Mr. Wilson Tarpeh, the paper’s board chairman was being whisked to National Police headquarters for questioning. The reason for Mr. Tarpeh's interrogation have not been given. However, minutes after being taken to the Police headquarters, Mr. Tarpeh was apparently moved to the National Security Agency for further investigation.

The abrupt closure of The NEWS over tax claims and the holding of its Board Chairman by security officers has raised eyebrows nationally and internationally. The Press Union of Liberia (PUL), the umbrella organization of Journalists has issued a press release questioning the closure of the paper.

Making reference to the Revenue Law of Liberia, the Press Union says the closure of the paper by the Ministry of Finance is illegitimate and that the ministry has usurped the tax court’s powers. The Revenue Law requires the Finance Ministry to submit to court, details of tax delinquents. The tax court then issues a writ of summons to the listed delinquents.

The constitution of Liberia indicates that a business can only be closed after a court order has been issued.

This is the second closure of The NEWS on tax claims by the Taylor Government this year. The first was in February, after four of the papers’ editorial staff were arrested and detained on espionage charges.

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