Bank Group President Ends Visit to Niger

25 November 2008
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

The African Development Bank (AfDB) Group President, Donald Kaberuka, on Monday, November 25, 2008, ended his three-day official visit to Niger during which he was received by Niger's President, Mamadou Tandja, with whom he examined different aspects of the Niger-AfDB partnership. At the end of his discussion with President Tandja, Mr. Kaberuka said the AfDB would double its assistance to Niger to CFAF 70 billion over the next three years. Mr. Kaberuka also held discussions with Prime Minister Seyni Oumar and Finance Minister, Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine, who is also the AfDB Governor for Niger.

"Mr. Kaberuka's visit was considered by the highest authorities of my country a success. This success will be greater, if together, we continue implementing projects we have started as part of commitments made," the AfDB Executive Director for Niger, Frédéric Korsaga, said in Niger.

Beside Niger's authorities, Mr. Kaberuka also met with the country's technical and financial partners. He used the occasion to call for better aid coordination in order to implement Paris Declaration commitments on aid effectiveness. He also held working sessions with banking and insurance representatives led by the Niger Chamber of Commerce Chairperson, Ibrahim Idi Ango.

"Mr. Kaberuka's visit was a great opportunity to pursue the dialogue between the AfDB and Niger. I am more than ever optimistic about the future of our partnership which aims at contributing to the country's well-being," AfDB Operations Director, Janvier Litsé, said.

The AfDB has, since 1970, financed 63 projects in Niger worth over CFAF 285 billion. The AfDB is the leading financing institution of the Kandadji dam. It has provided a loan of CFAF 28 billion for the project.

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