GTBank Improves Pupil Performance with it's Staff Orange Volunteer After-School Programme

8 August 2013
Content from a Premium Partner
Guaranty Trust Bank (Lagos)
press release

Guaranty Trust Bank plc recognizes the contribution that an “employee volunteering scheme” can make to the wider community. Through a series of employee volunteer initiatives, GTBank employees have been able to give back to the community whilst at the same time enhancing their versatility and development opportunities. Guaranty Trust Bank’s employee volunteering scheme plays an active part in the local community in an impactful and beneficial way.

Currently, there are two initiatives being undertaken by GTBank staff to improve the quality of education delivered to the Nigerian child - The GTBank staff Orange Volunteer After-School initiative; a coaching, tutoring and mentoring programme for pupils in primary schools preparing to take entrance examinations into secondary schools and the GTBank Adopt-a-School project; a programme introduced by the Bank in 2004, to improve the learning conditions of students of public schools.

The management, staff and pupils of St. George’s Boys and Girls Primary Schools, Lagos recently commended staff of Guaranty Trust Bank plc for their outstanding employee volunteer program; the Orange Volunteer After-School initiative, which has helped improve the academic performance of the students of the school. In a letter of appreciation sent to the Bank, the school thanked Staff of GTBank plc for their level of responsibility and commitment to the development of its pupils through the coaching and tutoring weekend sessions.

The 8-week intensive coaching programme commenced in February, 2013 with members of staff from various units and departments taking pupils in subjects such as mathematics, English, Vocational Studies, Quantitative Aptitude and Verbal Aptitude. In the 2013/2014 placement result released by Lagos State Government in June, 2013, pupils of St. George’s Boys’ and Girls’ Primary Schools recorded a 100% pass rate in the examination; an improvement over the 98% pass rate achieved by GTBank staff in the 1st year coaching of the students. A total of 74 pupils took the examination with 68% of the pupils scoring over 70%. Teachers, parents and pupils were pleased with the wonderful result and Staff of the Bank also promised their unflinching support to the development of pupils in schools around the country.

Expressing his view on the accolade, the MD/CEO of GTBank plc; Mr. Segun Agbaje could not hide his excitement about this feat, he said “We have a long standing commitment to the communities in which we operate. Beyond the benefits our core business brings to our host communities, we aim to contribute our quota to the development of the society. GTBank staff are highly committed to this goal and this shows how much we treasure the children around us”

Guaranty Trust Bank staff have always been at the forefront of Corporate Social Responsibility within the Nigerian financial services sector. The Bank staff also have an Orange Valentine Initiative; a contribution invested in developmental issues that affect local communities and the less privileged.

Guaranty Trust Bank plc was established in 1990 and has in the last 22 years been recognized as one of the most innovative and service focused Banks in the Nigerian financial sector. The Bank operates from 188 branches in Nigeria and has banking subsidiaries in Cote D’Ivoire, the Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone and the United Kingdom.

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