Liberia: Lofa Election: a Wake Up Call for Opposition in 2023

Amidst hints and allegations, accusations and incidents of rigging, abuse of state's resources by the government whose vested interest was vividly shown and demonstrated through the leading candidate in the race it backed, as evidence of the massive support accorded him in the just-ended Lofa Senatorial by-election; in spite of the reported faults and failures on the part of the opposition; the most salient question being hammered in all quarters, corners, hamlets and setting is the Lofa by-election: an inescapable result of a wakeup call for the opposition community in 2023?

Whether whatsoever obtained in Lofa went well or bad, has become the property of history. but what remains a trending reality is simple and clear. Did experience reflect any lesson to be learned by the defeated? Take it or leave it, a lesson was taught and as bitter it may appear to look, it must be learned and adhered to by the opposition bloc.

Firstly, the once referred to as a stronghold and a no-go-zone for political intruders and outsiders can be seen presenting itself as a myth; the county instead, is now wide open for anyone to dig votes and equally so, to conduct political business at all levels and with all those capable of producing vivid tangibles; the result also sent a signal to the opposition from the incumbent and his team that the one-term presidency doctrine once preached by the opponents, is being rubbished and thrashed out along with the once attended threat; that -it does not contain the spine to even exist anymore.

While the opposition cruising on "solo lane" and being critically disjointed politically, the imposition of the one-term president syndrome now seems a very far-fetched reality, and not considering the Lofa crunch as a devastating discovery in the weak links of the opposition, it is best that it (opposition) transforms rapidly from disgruntlement to steadfastness and speedily recuperate from the aftershock of the Lofa by-election as a wakeup call to re-calibrate and make very real and good about what and how things went wrong with it and fix same before 2023, if they are to be rendered politically relevance in the presidential and general elections.

They must be carefully mindful that the height by which today's victors reached and obtained was not by sudden flight, but while the archrivals were very obsessed with the stronghold scenario, and did not properly put and keep their feet totally and thoroughly on every inch of the grounds, the today's victors were out tolling the night with hard work and burning the last night oil, knowing that if the task takes a long time, it pays to begin much earlier

Above all else, did the opposition collect anything usable as enshrined in the wake-up call of Lofa 2022 as the bridge to 2023? We hope so. Therefore, if you are wise, then be advised.

A hint!

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