Liberia: Corpse of Infant Floats Over Mount Barclay Creek

The corpse of a male infant in a cartoon was discovered floating over a creek in the Mount Barclay Community of Montserrado County early Tuesday morning, 12 July 2022.

Residents of the community and other passersby were seen in shock following the discovery of the deceased baby over the water where people wash their motorbikes.

The creek over which the baby was discovered runs in an area between the Mount Barclay Checkpoint and the Nimba United Football Club Sports Center.

Onlookers expressed astonishment over the incident.

Some were suggesting that the newborn who was discovered dead with an umbilical cord, may have been dumped over the river probably during midnight.

The Liberia National Police detachment in Mount Barclay has instructed that nobody touches the child since the owner of the child is yet to be found.

The police said the government will determine what has happened.

Speaking in an interview on the scene, Prince Mulbah, a motorbike operator, said the baby was discovered when they went to work in the morning.

"We saw the cartoon on top of the water almost under the bridge where we can wash bikes," he said.

"However, it spent some longer time, but later we got concerned and the water brought [it] a little closer and we decided to check inside it, that's how we found the child and brought it on shore," he noted.

Mulbah said he believes that somebody did the act at midnight.

Another eyewitness, Mr. Victor Lincoln, expressed sadness over the situation.

He claimed that the child may have died of cold because there was heavy rain during the night when the child was allegedly left floating over the creek.-Edited by Winston W. Parley

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