Liberia: Support Violent-Free Poll

-U.S. Ambassador urges Liberian Muslims

United States Ambassador to Liberia, Michael McCarthy, urges Muslim leaders in the country to do all they can to ensure that the 2023 poll is free of violence.

Ambassador McCarthy says Muslim leaders should use their influence to make sure the October 10th presidential and legislative elections do not derail democratic gains achieved over the years.

Mr. McCarthy gave the urge recently at the induction ceremony of newly elected leadership of the National Muslim Council of Liberia in Monrovia for a four-year tenure.

He says the Muslim community holds an advantageous point in Liberia, evidenced by its strength in several businesses, including transportation, legal profession, petroleum products and whole dealership, among others.

In his induction speech, the newly installed Chairman of the National Muslim Council, Sheik Abraham Sheriff, caution fellow Muslims to get more active in activities of the organization.

Sheik Sheriff stresses that the National Muslim Council of Liberia can only make progress when Muslims in the country support its activities, pledging to use his tenure at the Council to build on what his predecessors achieved over the years.

He thanks Saudi Arabia, the United States and former and present officials of the Liberian government for gracing the induction ceremony.

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Varney Sirleaf, on behalf of President George Weah, lauds Muslims for the peaceful transfer of power from one leadership to another.

He re-affirms President Weah's commitment to respecting and protecting religious freedom while assuring government's sincerity in conducting peaceful and transparent elections comes October.

Minister Sirleaf also commends the outgoing leadership of the Council for a job well done, including decentralization of its activities and adoption of a new constitution as well as vision for the future.

Former Liberian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Dr. Brahima Kaba, delivering the keynote address lauds the leadership of the National Muslim Council of Liberia for keeping the dreams of the founding fathers of the organization alive.

He encourages the new leadership to build on the achievements of its predecessors to advance the spread of Islam in Liberia.

Others inducted were Mohamed Konneh, Vice Chairman for Administration; Abdulrahman Sow, Vice Chairman for Operation; Kuku Reeves, Secretary General; Anna Sheriff, Vice Chairperson for Women Affairs, among others.

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