Liberia: VP Taylor to Dedicate a STEM Hub in Bong

Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor is expected to turn over to the Bong County Technical College an already set-up STEM Hub in an effort to initiate new collaborations in the field of science communication.

The Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics' hub will be used by students of the BCTC to engage in experiential learning, persist in problem solving and work through the creative process.

The Vice President recently launched the initiative in Monrovia in collaboration with the Jewel Starfish Foundation and STEM Power Africa.

The launching ceremony also witnessed the immediate turning over of the country's first ever STEAM hub named "The Roseline K. Toweh STEM hub" to the YMCA in Monrovia.

The second hub materials were donated to the BCTC by the VP at the weekend which also followed by immediate instillation.

As the team of experts completes the instillation, the VP will on Wednesday officially dedicate the hub to the BCTC and Bong County

Earlier on during the donation of the hub equipment, Howard-Taylor said the gesture was a gift from STEM power Africa to the People of Liberia.

Even though the equipment costs little over hundred thousand United States Dollars, the VP said she did not pay a dime for it but was brought to the country through her connections and advocacy for a better Liberia's education system. "As Leaders, it is our responsibilities to work and improve our education system and that cannot be done when we do not provide or give you access to technologies that should help make your studies easier."

"Since technology make life easier and more comfortable for humans. We are convinced that these modern technologies will boost your sciences department as you continue to strive to attain higher education" VP Taylor said.

Many people described her as a sincere woman for telling them that she did not pay money for such costly equipment in the midst of politics.

She encouraged the school's authorities to sign an MOU with other high schools in Bong adding that "these materials can also be used by high school students."

On behalf of the BCTC Administration, the Controller of the College, David Mator lauded the office of Vice President Taylor for her efforts in convincing and recommending the Bong County Technology College to have been selected amongst the first institutions in Liberia to benefit the gestures.

Mator assured the commitment of the school to working with its IT department to ensure the functionality of the equipment.

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