Liberia: Reviving the Economy Is Top Priority


Mr. Alexander B. Cummings says his top focus when elected President will be to revive the country's economy, with greater private sector involvement, aimed at creating more jobs for the thousands of unemployed Liberians.

Cummings said Liberians will disproportionately benefit and take ownership of their economy, with strict enforcement of the Liberianization policy. He said a CPP leadership will ensure the availability of micro-Finance loans to empower Liberians to become primary importers of goods into the country.

Cummings said there will be a role for everybody including foreign investors and other nationals to help grow the economy and create badly needed jobs to lift Liberians out of poverty and alleviate the sufferings.

Cummings, Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), said he is deliberate and intentional about real change that will reorganize government institutions, hold public officials accountable and ensure respect for the rules of law.

He made the assertions, June 7, on a radio talkshow, "Closing Arguments" in response to questions about his plans for economic recovery, including resource mobilizations, international connections, areas of priorities and what he will do differently, when elected President, come October 10.

Cummings said his first one hundred days would ensure credit opportunities for Liberian entrepreneurs, creation of a national youth service program, prompt payment and steady increment of civil servants' salaries, reorganization and consolidation of government institutions with competent staff and getting the right people in integrity institutions to conduct comprehensive audit of government, devoid of witch hunting.

On his choice of Counsellor Charlyne Brumskine as running mate, Cummings expressed confidence in her ability, integrity, empathy and connections as well as her popular support and admiration, especially amongst the people of Grand Bassa County and elsewhere.

He said choosing Counsellor Brumskine is indicative of his understanding and appreciation of the significant role of women in making better decisions and the need to accord women their rightful and equal participation in all spheres of our national development efforts.

Cummings assured Liberians of a different style of leadership, committed to real change that will guarantee a brighter future, because according to him, a think-tank of Liberians has studied, researched, and understand Liberia's age-old problems, and have formulated workable solutions.

He promised a CPP Government would seriously reduce the overhead costs of some government ministries and agencies as well as the presidency, and transfer those funding to improve the country's health and educational sectors.

He stressed both political and economic decentralization, to ensure rural dwellers have access to basic services, and also to empower local authorities including Superintendents to have more autonomy and access to resources to meet the needs of the people.

Cummings said a CPP Government would also ensure an efficient tax code system, rigid enforcement of the code of conduct of public officials, creating the right investment environment, with emphasis on improved infrastructures, strong and independent Judiciary, corrupt-free society and safe streets.

He said he will ensure Liberia gets the full value of its natural resources, without necessarily aborting or changing any agreements.

Responding to questions about his international business connections and whether he has any investment in Liberia, Cummings said his services at Coca-Cola afforded him the opportunity to establish stronger bonds of friendship and ties, which he still maintained with several current and former African and European leaders.

The CPP Standard Bearer said he has two major investments and holds shares in several other businesses, but cannot disclose the names, for fear of political reprisals by the government which will affect the business interests of other shareholders.

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