Liberia: Catholic Priests Commit to Protecting Minors, Women Against Sexual Abuse

Monrovia- Fifty-four priests of the Catholic Archdiocese of Monrovia have reaffirmed their commitment to protecting minors and vulnerable women by signing a compliance form in line with the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Liberia (CABICOL) guidelines on Child Protection and Sexual Abuse.

The commitment was made on Wednesday at the conclusion of a one-day workshop held at the Sacred Heart Cathedral. The workshop was facilitated by Mr. Joseph Smith, Safeguarding Officer at Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and the Vicar of Priest, Very Rev. Fr. McDonald Nah.

Following the signing ceremony, the Archbishop, Most Rev. Gabriel Blamo Jubwe, urged the clergy working within the Archdiocese to uphold their commitment, emphasizing the importance of leading by example in protecting minors and vulnerable women. The Metropolitan Archbishop of Monrovia, Most Rev. Gabriel Blamo Jubwe, stated that under his leadership, accountability and integrity would be paramount. In his words, "We as a Church must first hold ourselves accountable and lead others with integrity.

Instances of sexual abuse of children by priests, nuns, and other members of religious life within the Catholic Church have been widely documented. These cases spanned the late 20th and early 21st centuries and have entailed numerous allegations, investigations, trials, convictions, public acknowledgment, and apologies by Church authorities. Revelations have exposed decades of abuse and efforts by Church officials to conceal these incidents. The victims are primarily boys but also include girls, with some as young as three years old and the majority falling between the ages of 11 and 14.

However, the Church has taken stringent stances globally against the act in recent years, being more involved and engaged in prevention and healing efforts

The Liberian Catholic priests' commitment followed a similar position taken by the head of the universal Catholic Church, Pope Francis, when he, in 2023, reiterated the Catholic Church's firm commitment to the protection of minors from sexual abuse, saying that the entire Christian community should feel involved.

"This is not a negotiable matter," Pope, as quoted by the Vatican News when he addressed participants in the first national meeting of diocesan and regional representatives of the Italian Church's Child Protection Services and Listening Centres. "We cannot stop in our action to protect minors and vulnerable people and, to combat any form of abuse, whether sexual, of power or conscience," the Pope said.

The meeting, entitled "A Wounded Beauty. I will heal your wound and heal you of your wounds" (Jer 30:17), was organized by the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI).

In his address, the Pope suggested three verbs, to safeguard, to listen, and to care, as a guideline for action against child abuse.

"To safeguard is to actively share the pain of those who have been injured and ensure that the entire community is responsible for the protection of minors and those who are most vulnerable," he said, adding that this path "requires internal and community renewal in justice and truth":

He continued, "To listen to the victims is a step to increase a culture of prevention." "Only listening to the pain of the people who have suffered these terrible crimes opens up solidarity and pushes us to do everything possible to ensure that the abuse is not repeated", the Pope noted.

"Knowing how to listen is taking care of the victims", the outlet quotes the Pope as saying, remarking that it is only by following the path of caring and listening that healing is possible.

The "cure" is also doing justice for the victims. This is why, he said, it is so important to prosecute those who commit these crimes, especially within the Church.

With the latest commitment from the Liberian catholic community, many wish that they live up to not only the commitment they have made but put into practice what the Pope has elaborated on the matter.

CABICOL's Mission

CABICOL's mission includes coordinating a unified set of guidelines to provide effective guidance to diocesan bishops and major superiors on childcare and protection.

A statement issued by the Church through the Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia, Very Reverend Fr. Ambrose Dayouga Kroma, emphasized that addressing the grave violation of sexual abuse against "minors and vulnerable adults" by clerics is a primary responsibility for the bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Liberia in their respective dioceses.

CABICOL encourages each bishop to prioritize safeguarding minors and vulnerable adults, committing to creating a "safe environment" for minors within their dioceses. The guidelines aim to offer hope to all members of the Church, particularly children and the defenseless.

CABICOL affirms the Church's life, mission, relationships, and worship--a mission that transforms the values of the world through a commitment to love.

In recent years, the Catholic Church worldwide has become increasingly aware of the crisis of sexual abuse involving some of its members, particularly clerics. In response, the Church has launched a pastoral campaign to address this threat to its nature and mission.

In Liberia, the Catholic Church, with support from the universal Church and in collaboration with global partners, has committed to combating child molestation by approving policy guidelines on child protection and the sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable adults.

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