Algeria: Chaib Holds Coordination Meeting With Heads of Consular Posts

ALGIERS-The Secretary of State to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, in charge of the National Community Abroad, Sofiane Chaib, held a coordination and orientation meeting in Rome (Italy) with heads of several consular posts.

The meeting allowed for a comprehensive evaluation of consular management and follow up of the implementation of the country's high authorities' instructions relating to improving the quality of services provided to members of the Algerian community abroad, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Community Abroad and African Affairs said in a press release.

The coordination meeting with heads of consular posts from Milan, Naples, Lyon, Marseille, Besançon, Grenoble, Nice, Montpellier, Toulouse, Saint-Etienne, Barcelona, Alicante, and Istanbul, is part of the visit Chaib is paying to the friendly Republic of Italy, according to the press release.

The meeting also noted the positive impact of recent measures taken for our Diaspora, particularly the facilities for accessing the national territory.

Several instructions and orientations were given during this meeting to continue improving consular services, in accordance with "the directives of the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, aimed at ensuring better support for the concerns of community members established abroad and involving them in the development dynamic the country is experiencing," concluded the press release

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