Liberia: Bea Mountain Rehabilitates Major Roads in Cape Mount, As Citizens Commend the Company for Development Projects

Bea Mountain Mining Corporation continues with the rehabilitation of major roads in project affected communities and the Grand Cape Mount County. Road rehabilitation is part of the Company's contributions to the nation by ensuring improved road networks in the County, which is intended to reduce the constraints faced by the citizens in transporting their goods and services from one location to another during both the dry and rainy seasons.

Over the years, BMMC through its Construction Team rehabilitated several roads such as the Beh-Gondor Road, Jenemana to Bomi Wood Road, Kinjor to Daniel's Town Road, Kinjor to Jenneh Brown Road covering 16 kilometers, M'baloma to Lofa Bridge with 22 kilometers, Lofa Bridge to Gold Camp Road, Dagantee Road, Jikandor road and Malina road to name but a few.

Meanwhile, citizens of Grand Cape Mount County appreciated BMMC for the developmental initiatives undertaken by the Company in their respective communities. They further lauded the Management of Bea Mountain Mining Corporation for the initiatives, stressing that the intervention will address their aged old deplorable road conditions and will also reduce the huge transportation fare for citizens.

"Moving from one point to the other was a difficult task for us, but with the intervention of BMMC, plying the road has been easier than it was during the rainy season". Peter Y. Dahn, a resident of Bomi Wood Community, remarked.

Besides the rehabilitation of roads, several projects are being implemented within Darblo, Mana and Laar Clans through Bea Mountain's Clan Development Fund Program. Some of these projects are: the maternal waiting home and nurses' quarter in M'baloma, Darblo Clan, a mosque in Koikor, the construction of a school in Gbenii, the construction a school in Bomi Wood, the modern clinic in Tahn, a clinic in Varguaye, and a clinic in Beh-Gondor Town, a guest house in Keita, Laar Clan, and a school in Wealiquah among several others.

Mr. Dahn also lauded BMMC for the construction of a hand pump in their town; stating that the Company has started the construction of a school in their community, noting that the project when completed will be a very great help for their children.

At the same time, the Chair Lady of Jenemana Tenneh Jasper commended BMMC for the road. "First of all, I tell Bea Mountain for fixing our road, the Company rehabilitated our road from Gondor Town Junction to Jenemana, and from Jenemana to Bomi Wood. The road used to be very in a deplorable state, especially during the rainy season, but for now we can easily transport our pepper, bitter ball to the market."

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