President Hery Rajaonarimampianina announces his candidacy for a new term

17 August 2018
Content from a Premium Partner
35Nord (Paris)
press release

Antananarivo, August 17, 2018. At the end of a five-year term of remarkable economic performance, recognized by the largest international organizations, among them the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the Hery Vaovao ho an'i Madagasikara - “Vital Force for Madagascar” - Party proclaimed its full confidence in Hery RAJAONARIMAMPIANINA as its candidate for the 2018 presidential campaign.  On Friday, August 17, 2018, in Antananarivo, the present Head of State revealed his intention to seek a second term before a crowd of his party’s supporters.

On that occasion, he recalled the entire range of projects launched within the framework of the Fisandratana 2030 Plan, the vision of which serves as a platform for his presidential program for the fight against the high cost of living, for the modernization of agriculture, for the safety of transportation, for the fight against corruption, for the improvement of public services, for industrialization and the creation of jobs at every level. (

Between now and 2023, there will be more than 2 million new jobs that the development of seven priority sectors will have created, and 5 million before 2030. Agriculture, the maritime economy, natural products, mining, precious stones, industry and tourism will be the keys to accelerated growth.  With the creation of four growth areas designed to connect infrastructure projects with industrial sectors, Madagascar will benefit from all the necessary assets to become a regional economic power in the South African Development Community and the Indian Ocean region.

At the same time, Hery RAJAONARIMAMPIANINA mentioned the progress realized since the beginning of his first term, in particular the exiting of more than 2 million Malagasy citizens from poverty.  Thanks to the effects of training on consumption, the same result will be able to be attained or even surpassed during the next five years.

This objective is at the heart of his commitment to the Malagasy people, which he described as a non-negotiable requirement for the improvement of living conditions.  In his own words: “Leaders must learn to feel the same impatience for change as the people who brought them to power!  But as I already said, I know your impatience and I feel it myself.  I may well accelerate reforms, accelerate achievements, multiply future plans, but I always want to do more.  Like you, I am impatient to be able to move to the next chapter of the construction of the Madagascar of tomorrow.”

Hery RAJAONARIMAMPIANINA then touched on his plans for the construction of a modern economy in Madagascar, but he also took care to speak about the values of the Malagasy people.  Alluding to the always present necessity of having “strong reference points”, he called for a “spiritual rebuilding” of the Malagasy nation, supported by family values, by the vital forces of young people and women, by the respect for the wisdom of the elders, all of which are values that strengthen the individual and allow for individual fulfillment.

As a conclusion of his speech, he mentioned the convictions that motivate him and his belief in a collective purpose to which he has dedicated his action: “I know that I can count on you, on your pride, on your determination, in order to build together the Madagascar of your dreams!  I know that, for you, the vision of this future of prosperity and of development will be all that matters to you the most in the decades to come,” he declared, before announcing his candidacy for president, in order to continue the recovery of the country undertaken since 2014.

The first round of the presidential election is scheduled for November 7, 2018.

See the candidate's website

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