Nigeria: Ministerial Nominees - Senate Promises 'Thorough Screening', Commences Exercise Monday

Members of the Nigerian Senate during plenary session

"This time, screening will be very thorough. It is not going to be a situation where the screening will be anyhow. We are going to know the background of the nominees and we are not going to disappoint Nigerians."

The Senate says it will commence the screening of the ministerial nominees on Monday.

Chairman of the Senate Committee on Media and Public Affairs, Yemi Adaramodu, disclosed this while addressing journalists shortly after the plenary on Thursday.

President Bola Tinubu on Thursday forwarded a list of 28 ministerial nominees to the upper chamber for screening and possible confirmation.

Mr Adaramodu said the nominees will undergo intense screening from the lawmakers.

The Senate spokesperson noted that the two months vacation of the senate that ought to have commenced on Thursday (today) had been suspended for the screening of the ministerial nominees.

"We have suspended all rules and laws. We were supposed to go for our vacation today but it has been suspended for this screening," he said.

Mr Adaramodu said the nominees will be strictly scrutinised based on their backgrounds and their achievements.

"This time, screening will be very thorough. It is not going to be a situation where the screening will be anyhow. We are going to know the background of the nominees and we are not going to disappoint Nigerians.

"It is not going to be a shallow screening. You must have the character, you must have the face, you must have the behaviour to be among the cabin crew that is going to fly Nigeria.

"This time around, Nigeria is going to be better. Whoever gets to the floor of the Senate will be screened. We will not manufacture any questions," he said.

Call for information

Mr Adaramodu also called on Nigerians to make information available to the Senate if they notice that anyone included on the list is found to be corrupt.

He said if information is made available to the senate, questions will be asked based on the allegations.

"Anybody who has anything against those names that have been called should send questions that will be asked. As nominees you have to explain yourself, we will not manufacture questions.

"Nominees have been sent to us, we are not going to preempt anything. There will be reports from the security agencies.

"If any nominees come in and there is a red flag on the nominees, we are going to face the red flag. It is not going to be a closed-door screening. What I want you to know is that we will not disappoint Nigerians, we are going to do a thorough job," Mr Adaramodu stated.

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