Liberia: Statement From the Wanep-Liberia Election Situation Room On Election Day

President George Weah, left, former vice president Joseph Boakai, right (file photo).


This is the third press statement by the E-MAM ESR on the ongoing presidential and parliamentary elections in Liberia following our earlier statements on October 9, 2023, and this morning to introduce the ESR and report on the opening of the polls.


Generally, the voting process went well in most areas monitored by our observers and in accordance with the electoral process. There was the presence of the Joint Security Task Force in most of the polling stations even as the voting process was concluding. There is an absence of campaign materials in and around the observed polling stations. Additionally, the presence of International and Local Observers increased as the voting process was concluding.


Based on the reports received from deployed ESR observers in the field, there is the presence of poll watchers from most of the political parties especially in the urban cities.


The ESR observers reported that voting proceeded peacefully in most of the places they observed, they further reported that some had already begun counting. There were however isolated cases of verbal and physical attacks including in Montserrado County, Smart Academy, District #5 in Monrovia's Paynesville suburb due to the late arrival of materials.


At the conclusion of polls, some incidents were observed. They include:

Technical Incidents:

  • In John Baakalu, District #3, Bong County, some voters came in with their mobile phones in violation of the electoral laws and at the blind eyes of the NEC officials.
  • In Montserrado County District #10, at the Wells Hariston school, a voter was caught with fake voter card while another escaped the scene after being caught with two ID Cards at Mother Kebbeh Polling Station
  • In Nimba County, District #1, at Tokay Hill Community, Foundation Academy Day Care a presiding Officer in polling place #5 was allegedly discussing with one of the candidates in the car and voters had to protest for his replacement.
  • in Brewerville, Montserrado County, electoral District #17 (Jartonor Town), polling place #4 of polling station # 30345, the Polling Officer at place #5 requested the reopening of ballot boxes of polling place #4 to allow voters who were not part of this polling place to vote, despite the fact that the ballot boxes had already been sealed.

Other Security Incidents

  • In Montserrado County District #5, there was a fist cuff between security personnel and some voters following their agitation over the delayed arrival of materials.


  • While voters and party poll watchers are being encouraged to exercise patience and restrain from any act of violence and provocation that may result in tension, the NEC officials and security agents present at polling stations are also encouraged to ensure compliance to laid down procedures to fast track the collation, counting, and tallying process.
  • Security presence should be increased in all the identified flashpoints, particularly in places where there have been reported cases of violence leading to injuries during the voting process.
  • The Joint Security must without delay investigate all alleged electoral fraud cases to act as a deterrent to future offenders.


The ESR thanks Liberians for their diligence and patience throughout the voting process especially in areas that experienced challenges with the starting schedule. We call on all stakeholders to exercise tolerance and trust in the electoral system while we wait for the collation, counting, tallying and final declaration of the results by the National Electoral Commission. We also thank all domestic and international observers for their role. Finally, we are grateful to all our partners for their support so far.

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