Nigeria: Episodes of Hatchet Job On TB Joshua

8 January 2024

The BBC World Services investigative unit, code-named 'Africa Eye' came out this week with weird and strange episodes of atrocities against the late Prophet T BJoshua, founder of the Synagogue Church Of All Nations, SCOAN. To investigate and publish or broadcast reports is a central kernel in journalism But to do this outside the ethics and fundamental principles of the profession is an aberration. Journalism as societal watchdog requires fairness, balancing and objectivity to command dignity honour and respect as the fourth estate of the realm. BBC has compromised these lofty principles by descending into fictional narratives and propaganda thus turning itself into a weapon for a hatchet job as gangster in the gab of journalism with a destructive ulterior motive for personal gains against a perceived enemy.

Only the BBC can best explain why it woefully deviated from true journalism and chose to be dishing junks and feeding the public with stones called bread by its offensive and disenchanted lopsided reports of disgruntled and shameless elements. This to say the least is insulting to our professional and public intelligence.

One thing is very obvious, hundreds of BBC charades cannot rubbish the indelible footprints of TBJoshua's legacies on earth again. Thousands of REAL human beings had received dumbfounding miracles and tremendously benefited from the anointing and grace the Lord endued with His servant while on earth that could not be disputed that are lining up and responding angrily to this imperialist broadcasting station. Many of them are in the UK the home base of BBC but its jaundiced investigative eyes could not see only the suborned narrators! Myriads of broken homes reconciled by TB Joshua are also crying foul of BBC's broadcast of iniquity. Uncountable hopeless children drawn from different parts of the world; some brought by their parents while some were picked from drug joints or brothels who have gotten their destinies restored are also pissed off by the offensive reports. His ineffable love and charity works across the globe including horrible disaster spots speaks volumes in the USA, Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East among other continents. BBC has shot itself in the foot with its compromise and roadside journalism.

Incidentally, SCOAN is not ready to belittle its honour by responding to the BBC charade. BBC would not have lost anything if it had gone to the church even to disguise as visitors to have direct experience of what is happening in the church instead of relying on disgruntled and manipulated individuals some of whom are never known before in SCOAN as could be seen in the episodes. Some of those identified there are relics of homosexual and lesbian associates. My findings further show that everything the BBC put together was strange to SCOAN.

One other illogical thing in the charade is the BBC's categorical statement that the man of God was involved in all the abuse for over two decades! How could that be in a nation governed by law? It shows the station's crude disrespect and bizarre perception of Nigeria. Where were all those shameless interviewees in all the decades? Was it when the man passed on that they suddenly became awake or came back to their senses? Only a fool will have respect for such charlatans. This is not only shameful to hear but also insulting to see from the work of supposedly well-trained reporters!

On the tragic collapse of the church guest house, it is shocking that BBC also turned itself to a building expert through its charlatans disregarding the opinion of various renowned international erudites and building experts on what it didn't know anything about. It was all just to call the dog a bad name so that they could hang it. It is obvious that the sponsors of the BBC hatchet job must have been transmogrified by the continued growth of the church like the tree planted by the riverside which remains incomprehensible to those satanic agents who erroneously thought the church was finished with the passing of TB Joshua not knowing that whatever is of God cannot be uprooted by anyone.

Thank God you exonerated his only wife of any wrongdoing throughout the decades of your so-called investigated lopsided work. But did you think any wife at all could be seeing and watching all these nonsensical and annoying scenarios you painted for decades and still keep silent? I'm yet to read any literature or hear of such a woman in the universe! This is illogical, irritating, incomprehensible, unfathomable satanically dubious and malicious.

Persecution of divine envoys or servants of God is not new in history. For cursed and manipulated false witnesses to arise and manufacture intimidating and damaging lies has always been and history will always repeat itself.

One thing is very important and which every opinion moulder must know: no one can run away from harvesting the consequences of whatever seed he or she has planted in Creation. As a matter of fact, it's in God's adamantine will that such a planter either through his words, deeds, writings or actions will never be free not until those people he or she had misled are free. This is why we must not allow ourselves to be carried away by any situation no matter the immediate benefits because the consequences could be fatal.

Adejumo, a journalist and public affairs analyst, sent this piece from Lagos

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