Nigeria: Abducted School Children May Become Bandits in Future, Group Warns

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CPN said the welfare of the children should be paramount to the Nigerian government, pointing out that with the trend of kidnapping, it was glaring that there would be more out-of-school children in the country.

A group, Child Protection Network (CPN), has expressed fears over the rate of child kidnapping in Nigeria, saying it could lead to the grooming of a new set of bandits in the country in future.

CPN National Coordinator, Kunle Sanni, stated this at a press conference in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital, on Friday.

Mr Sanni, flanked by other officials of the group, said the welfare of the children should be paramount to the Nigerian government, pointing out that with the trend of the kidnap, it was glaring that there would be more out-of-school children in the country

He stated that the group is deeply concerned about the protection of children in places that should be the safest for them.

Mr Sanni recalled the recent abduction of over 200 children from a government secondary school in Kaduna on 7 March as well as others in Sokoto and Ekiti States, saying the incidents cast a dark shadow over the nation.

"The sheer scale of these abductions, coupled with the growing number of similar incidents over the years, underscores a glaring failure in ensuring the safety of our children in schools.

"Despite the substantial allocation of funds, such as the N145 billion earmarked for the Safe School Initiative, there has been a disturbing lack of tangible progress in fortifying school security and preventing such heinous acts.

"This failure not only jeopardises the education and well-being of our children but also poses grave long-term consequences for our society as a whole", he stated

'The prevalence of child abduction incidents contributes to a pervasive atmosphere of fear and insecurity among parents and students alike, leading to an alarming rise in school dropout rates. This not only deprives countless children of their fundamental right to education but also perpetuates a cycle of ignorance and disenfranchisement that undermines the fabric of our society, Sanni added

"Moreover, the abduction of children by criminal elements poses a significant risk of indoctrination and radicalisation, as these vulnerable individuals are often groomed to perpetuate violence and terrorism. The potential consequences of allowing such practices to continue unchecked are dire, with the spectre of a future generation shaped by violence and extremism looming ominously on the horizon, he stated.

Mr Sanni lamented that the harrowing experiences of the abducted children extend beyond the initial trauma of their abduction, stating that many are subjected to sexual exploitation and trafficking, which further exacerbate their suffering and perpetuate a cycle of violence and victimisation.

While commending the Nigerian government's stance against paying ransom, Mr Sanni urged it to take decisive action and unwavering commitment to addressing the root causes of the scourge.

"In light of these grave concerns, we urgently call upon the authorities to prioritise the immediate rescue and safe return of the abducted children. This must be accompanied by comprehensive efforts to strengthen school security measures, including the implementation of advanced security systems and the erection of physical barriers to deter potential perpetrators.

'Moreover, while we commend the government's stance against paying ransom, we emphasise the need for decisive action and unwavering commitment to addressing the root causes of this scourge. This includes holding those responsible for these abductions accountable and implementing robust measures to dismantle criminal networks involved in such nefarious activities.

"In this time of crisis, it is imperative for our leaders to demonstrate empathy, resolve, and decisive leadership. We urge the President to address the nation directly on this matter and to prioritise the safety and well-being of our children above all else.

"Furthermore, we stand in solidarity with the affected families, offering our unwavering support and assistance in their time of need."

The Ogun State Coordinator of CPN, Adedamola Lapile, urged the state government to take proactive measures in tackling insecurity and kidnapping rather than wait for a tragedy to strike before taking action

"We urge our governor to take proactive measures rather than waiting for a tragedy to strike our schools in Ogun state. We implore him to prioritise the enhancement of security infrastructure for the safety of our children. May God guide us through this endeavour', Mr Lapite said

He added, "'Regarding the Safe School Project, its success hinges on meticulous planning tailored to the unique needs of each school. It's imperative to involve every teacher and school administrator as they are the frontline guardians of our children's safety.

'Without their active participation, achieving a safe school environment is unattainable. Only when they are fully integrated into the security infrastructure can we speak of true success."

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