Liberia: Koffa's Fate Hangs On Boakai, Weah

Members of the Liberian legislature (file photo)

As the rigmarole continues over the removal of current House Speaker Cllr. Jonathan Fornati Koffa, a former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Edwin Melvin Snowe has shed his experience with members of the 55th Legislature seeking to remove the current Speaker.

Appearing on Spoon Talk over the weekend, former Speaker Snowe who is now Senator of Bomi County said the survivability of Cllr. Koffa to maintain his position as Speaker of the House of Representative hangs on President Joseph Nyuma Boakai and former President George M. Weah.

Analysing the on-going situation at the House of Representatives by using his legislative experience, Snowe said if President Boakai has no hand in the plot to remove Speaker Koffa, he can ask his 'Recue Lawmakers' to back off and they will certainly listen to him and abandon their quest to remove the Speaker. Snowe also said in the case of former President Weah who is believed to have control over the CDC lawmakers, if he decides to call on them to abandon their quest of removing their own Speaker, they will also listen to him.

"Only President Boakai and former President Weah can settle this who scenario at the House. Boakai can call on the Rescue Lawmaker to abandon their plan and Weah can also call on the CDC lawmakers to do the same and they will listen to them," he added.

The former House Speaker said a speaker can only be removed if the Executive is involved. "It is difficult to remove the Speaker if the Executive is not involved," he added. He said only President Boakai and Weah can solve the mystery ongoing at the House of Representatives.

He said the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC), the main opposition political party is threading a dangerous path by opting to join the ruling party in removing Cllr. Koffa as the Speaker when in fact the Speaker is from the opposition CDC.

"I can't blame the 'Rescue Lawmakers because they want the seat for the smooth operation of their administration and they will do everything possible to collaborate with anybody seeking to remove the Speaker, but to hear that CDC lawmakers also signed the resolution to remove the Speaker who is representing the very CDC is unbelievable," Snowe added.

"And let me say this, if Cllr. Koffa is removed as Speaker of the House, the CDC will never get that position; the ruling party will go for it and get it. The CDC will cry and complain but no one will listen to them. No one should blame the President or the Unity Party if the Speaker is removed, the CDC must blame its lawmakers," Senator Snowe said.

On the issue of bribery as claimed by one of the lawmakers, Snowe said this is an allegation and not authentic and therefore, he cannot base on such allegation that lawmakers received US$15,000 each to remove their Speaker. "This is about the CDC, if there are not careful, they will cry around here and no one will listen to them," he added.

On Thursday, it was reported that forty-seven members of the House of Representatives signed and read a petition to remove Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa as Speaker of that august body. Following their presentation, the Representatives scheduled a new election for the speakership to take place this Thursday.

However, the reading of the resolution by the majority bloc outside the chambers does not fully satisfy the formal removal of the Speaker. The House rule says the entire process must take place during an official session, where the resolution is included on the session's agenda. The resolution should be read within the session, followed by the application of due process.

Subsequently, a vote must be taken. A simple majority vote, conducted during the session, will determine whether the Speaker is removed or retained. The recent decision to remove Koffa has sparked widespread discussions about the implications for governance and leadership within the House.

The move comes amidst ongoing tensions and allegations of political maneuvering, with many lawmakers expressing concerns over Koffa's leadership and the direction of the legislative agenda.

The petition to remove Speaker Koffa was read by Nimba County Representative, Nya Flomo on Thursday at the Capitol Building amidst escalating tensions within the building. Representative Nya Flomo (Nimba, District 2) read the petition from his mobile phone.

Supporters of Cllr. Koffa attributed the move to oust him to the ongoing audit of the House, which he initiated. This marks the first post-war audit of the House, alongside a tightening of regulations on budget passage.

The audit is seen as a direct threat by those who fear it might expose financial irregularities and mismanagement, potentially damaging several political careers, including that of Deputy Speaker Thomas Fallah. Fallah, who once chaired the committee on Ways, Means, and Finance, is among those scrutinized in the audit.

The resolution states that, "Cllr. J. Fornati Koffa is significantly conflicted with interest which is impeding the smooth functions of various committees, by being the lead consultant and lawyer for several agencies of Government, Concessions, and other private companies, in the country over which the House of Representative exercises oversight responsibilities.

According to the rebel lawmakers' resolution, these agencies and concessions include, the Liberia Petroleum and Refining Corporation, Liberia Maritime Authority, National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA), Liberia Telecommunications Authority (LTA), NASSCORP, Citi-Trust Savings and Loan Bank, Central Bank of Liberia (CBL), Robert International Airport (RIA), National Port Authority (NPA), National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL), Bea Mountain Mining Company (BMMC), Western Clusters etc.

This violates Rule 45.1 and Rule 45.2 of the Rules and Procedures of the House of Representatives under the subheading-Conflict Of Interest-which states "Where a member elected or delegated by the house to perform a certain task, finds that the case at hand is related to his or her interest or that of a closed relative, he or she shall withdraw from handling the case after notifying the House, the Speaker or the committee of which he or she is a member."

Among other things, the resolution noted that, "Rule 45.2 "No member may be employed or engaged himself or herself in an occupation which is incompatible with the responsibilities vested on him or her or is in breach of the trust given to him or her or its damaging to the prestige and dignity of the House." Evidently, the Speaker, Hon. Cllr. J. Fornati Koffa, conflicts his business interests with his leadership of the Honourable House which grossly violates Rule 45.1, is incompatible with his position, tarnishes the prestige and reputation of the House, and is detrimental to the common good of the Liberian people.


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