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African Development Bank (Abidjan)

Africa & the High 5s - A Transformation Agenda Gains New Momentum

Even as the curtain fell on the African Development Bank's 2016 Annual Meetings, the energy and forward momentum for the Bank's agenda--the High 5s--for transforming Africa was clear. Building on the momentum, the implementation of the Bank's High 5s agenda will be seen in the months to come and the progress made over the next year will be a key point of discussions at the Bank's next Annual Meetings in Ahmedabad, India, from May 22-26, 2017. Read more about the High 5s and highlights of the 2016 annual meetings here. Find out more about the AfDB in this BRIEFING

But even as the curtain fell on the African Development Bank's 2016 Annual General Meetings in Lusaka on Friday, May 27, the energy and forward momentum was clear. In his closing speech, Bank President Akinwumi Adesina said: "... Everyone in this room is impatient for change, and everyone in this room is an agent of change. And the agents of change have an agenda for change, and that agenda is called the High 5s. You have heard them often enough this week, and let me say them one more time. Light up and power Africa. Feed Africa. Industrialise Africa. Integrate Africa. Improve the quality of life of the people of Africa. And all this, by 2025."




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