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Africa Finance Corporation (Lagos)

Why is it so Hard to Fund Infrastructure Development in Africa?

Africa's development gap and relatively slow progress present attractive investment opportunities for developmental projects focused on everything from building intra-regional transport networks to creating power generation solutions. Omawumi Kola-Lawal, who leads the Environmental & Social Risk Management function at the Africa Finance Corporation (AFC), argues that in addition to the generic challenges associated with funding infrastructure development in Africa, there are environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, which are further exacerbating the region's infrastructure gap since many African countries are not equipped to address ESG issues themselves. Read more.  

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Set across four islands of the Cape Verde archipelago and co-developed by the Africa Finance Corporation (AFC), Cape Verde's 25.5 MW Cabeolica wind farm, which began generating power from September 2011, was designed to provide an economic, environmentally safe, scalable and sustainable source of renewable energy.


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