Is Sin Tax a Viable Way of Sustaining Nigeria's Health Sector?

A sin tax is levied on the consumption of goods that can have a negative impact on health. Goods like sugar-sweetened beverages, tobacco, and alcohol are normally taxed to act as a deterrent, aiming to reduce consumption while raising additional revenue. The impact on health is contributing to Nigeria's disease burden. As some other countries have done, can Nigeria support its health sector by taxing these products, and thereby reduce its disease burden?

The pandemic slowed Nigeria's journey towards achieving Universal Health Coverage and sin tax presents an opportunity to get back on track. If spent well, sin tax presents itself as a win for the poor and vulnerable who are already living below the poverty line and can't afford basic health care services, writes Michael Atima for Nigeria Health Watch.


Funding is the live wire of healthcare systems globally. Nigeria needs an innovative approach for healthcare financing (file photo).

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