Sudan Violence Rages On, Trapping Civilians with No Aid Access

Despite a UN Security Council call for an end to fighting in El Fasher, violence continues to escalate. Humanitarian organizations Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) have warned that hospitals in El Fasher continue to be attacked and that no outside help can reach the city due to the intensity of the violence. 

As the only remaining hospital with surgical capacity in the city, its ability to function is now threatened. Over the past six weeks, eight hospitals have been hit, forcing some to close. The conflict has resulted in over 260 deaths and 1,630 injuries, including women and children.

The UN Security Council has demanded that Sudanese paramilitary forces end their eight-week siege of El Fasher and withdraw all troops from the city where fighting has sparked fears of a possible genocide. The Sudan's army has been fighting the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) for more than a year, in a civil war that has killed thousands and forced millions from their homes.


Children shelter in the shade in the center of Tambasi in El Fasher, North Darfur (file photo).

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