Zimbabwe: Secret Footage Reveals Zanu-PF Intimidation and Threats of Violence

Zimbabwean police. (file photo)
7 December 2012

Think Africa Press has obtained a series of videos, which appear to show various forms of political intimidation by members of the ruling ZANU-PF party in Zimbabwe.

In the first video, taken in January 2012 in Budiriro, Harare, a ZANU-PF official tells the villagers gathered that: "With ZANU-PF meetings, whether you want to or not, as long as you stay around here you have to attend". The speaker goes on to suggest that if someone does not attend, they ought to leave the area.

The second video exposes Newton Kachepa, MP for Mudzi North, discussing violence against people who belong to the opposition party Movement for Democratic Change (MDC). "You say ZANU-PF kills? It doesn't kill. If you provoke it, it destroys", he tells a group of ZANU-PF supporters. We also see a man claim that Kachepa boasted about killing opponents and threatened that he could be next. Later, the film shows 300 ZANU-PF members confronting an MDC rally of 70 people in which one MDC supporter was killed and seven more severely injured.

The final video shows more political intimidation at a ZANU-PF gathering in which supporters are warned: "If they [MDC] come here and you, as a ZANU-PF member, participate - I promise, I will beat you ... If you participate, we will get hold of you".

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