Launch of the African Minerals Development Centre a New Dawn for Africa

16 December 2013
press release

The African Minerals Development Centre (AMDC) is now open for business. The AMDC was launched in Maputo Mozambique by Hon Minister of Mines for the Republic of Mozambique, Ms Esperanza Biaz at an event held during the third Ordinary Session of the African Union, Conference of African Ministers Responsible for Mineral Resources Development.

Speaking to over 200 guests constituting Ministers, senior government officials, representatives of regional economic communities, international organisations, civil society and the private sector, African Union, Commissioner of Trade and Industry Ms Fatima Haram Acyl, said the AMDC was a milestone for Africa and called upon members States to utilise the institution and its facilities. She said the AMDC was more than just a framework but an urgent call and road map to put to good use our mineral resources to bring development and improve the welfare of the African people. She said the deepening inequalities, lack of jobs unless addressed, posed a threat to the peace and security of the continent.

Meanwhile ECA Officer-in-Charge, Special Initiatives Division, Ms Fatima Denton, said AMDC signified a re-writing of a new history, a new social contract and structural transformation in the management of Africa's mineral resources. "The vision is clear, the aspiration simple - to use our mineral wealth to industrialise, bring development, deliver jobs and transform the livelihoods of the Africa people." She said.

Ms Denton said that the Africa Mining Vision (AMV) through the AMDC was turning a new chapter for Africa and its mineral resources from an enclave sector to that of inclusive development and broader ownership. "AMDC has a strategic place in history to push us to new frontiers, to punch our way into the future and cut a new deal where contract negotiations reflect the true worth of our resources." Said Ms Denton.

She further called for sound rules, robust institutions and asked Governments to be part of the solution through sound governance. Ms Denton also called for academic institutions to be a part of the solution by producing best scientists arguing that no country has developed with skills development. Earlier, during the official opening of AU Ministers Conference, Secretary General of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Mr. Mukhisha Kituyi, called for transformation in the production capacities of mineral resources to address the structural deficit so that capital and labour are shifted to financing infrastructure, building human capital, bring sustainable development and create jobs. Mr Kituyi further called for greater transparency in the global mineral value chain.


The 3rd Ordinary Session of the AU Conference of African Ministers Responsible for Mineral Resources Development was officially opened this morning by Hon Minister of Mines for the Republic of Mozambique, Ms Esperanza Biaz.

The 5-day conference, (13-17Dec) under the theme 'Leveraging the Africa Mining Vision for Africa's Renaissance: towards broader ownership seeks among others to review the business plan for the AMDC as an institutional framework for the implementation of the African Mining Vision. A five-year comprehensive business plan has been developed to facilitate the establishment of the AMDC, which will provide strategic operational support for the Vision and its Action Plan.

Over 60 senior government experts in mining and natural resources development, including civil society, private sector convened in Maputo for a high level conference preceding the Conference of Ministers.

Both events are jointly organised by the African Union, the Republic Of Mozambique and The Economic Commission for Africa.

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