Media Advisory - Frontier 100 Forum in Cape Town, May 31 - June 2

14 May 2015
press release


Just days prior to the World Economic Forum on Africa, the Initiative for Global Development (IGD) will convene its Frontier 100 Forum on May 31 to June 2, in Cape Town, South Africa, where top international and African business leaders will put forth solutions to advancing trade and strategic investments to accelerate economic growth and alleviate poverty on the African continent.

IGD is a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit organization that drives poverty reduction by catalyzing business growth and investment in the developing world, with a focus on Africa.

The Frontier 100 Forum, an exclusive, invitation-only biannual event, will bring together CEOs and senior executives from the IGD network of leading African and global companies such as Microsoft, Dangote Industries, DHL Express, Africa Finance Corporation, Visa, Illovo, General Electric, Econet Wireless Global, and Pearson, among others.

The three-day forum is designed to encourage business leaders to offer insight, collaborate, and advance initiatives in key sectors of Africa including power, information and communications technologies (ICT), agriculture, and financial services, while exploring the intersection of these issues across all industries.

WHO: CEOs and senior executives of top African and global companies, including:

· Mima Nedelcovych, President & CEO | Initiative for Global Development

· Abdu Mukhtar, Group Chief Strategy Office | Dangote Industries

· Andrew Alli, President & CEO | Africa Finance Corporation

· Charles Brewer, Managing Director | DHL Express, Sub-Saharan Africa

· Nicola Galombik, Executive Director | Yellowwoods Ventures

· Riaan Jonck, CEO | Pearson Education South Africa

· Louis Otieno, Director, Legal and Corporate Affairs - Africa Initiatives | Microsoft 4 Afrika

· Cheick-Oumar Sylla, CEO for Africa | ContourGlobal

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