Trade Mission to Namibia in October

10 August 2015
Content from a Premium Partner
Embassy of Namibia (Washington, DC)
press release

Washington, DC — The Embassy of the Republic of Namibia is inviting all interested business people and companies to join HE Ambassador Martin Andjaba on a multi-sectoral Trade Mission to Namibia from October 26 to 30, 2015.

The Trade Mission will be multi-sectoral and aims to promote Agribusiness; Infrastructure; Mining, Oil and Gas Exploration; Renewable Energy; Manufacturing; Hospitality; Telecommunications; Health & Medical Services, etc.

Registration is free. Participants are expected to pay their own airfare and accommodation. The Namibian Government will provide ground transport and secure favorable rates at local hotels. Participation is limited to 10, and early registration is encouraged.

To participate and register, contact Mr. Freddie !Gaoseb by September 30, 2015. Email: or Telephone: 202-986 2007.


  • 'Doing Business in Namibia Seminar' hosted by Investment Center of the Ministry of Industrialization, Trade and SME Development
  • Meetings with local government and companies from multiple sectors including the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Namibia Port Authority, NamPower and other state owned enterprises and key Government Ministries
  • Organized tailor-made matchmaking appointments with selected counterparts, based on requests
  • Field trips to Walvis Bay and/or Swakopmund and around Windhoek
  • The program will be adapted accordingly to meet the requests and profiles of the participants


1. Peaceful, stable with good governance, efficient and transparent bureaucracy.
2. Springboard for tourism, trade and investment into the region.
3. Natural regional hub for trade and logistics in Southern Africa.
4. First class road, rail and air infrastructure and strategically located and efficient sea-port.
5. Information and communication technology (ICT), especially mobile technology, are an important area of growth and innovation in the Namibian economy.
6. Infrastructure and logistics are the backbone of Namibia's long term growth. This offers a lot of opportunities for companies in these sectors and also the construction sector.
7. Excellent telecommunications network with wide inter-continental market access.
8. Generous and liberal investment regimes with low inflation and stable foreign reserves.
9. Young and trainable labor force with excellent medical services and good housing and recreational facilities.

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