Azevêdo Welcomes G-20 Ministers' Support for Significant Nairobi Outcome

WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo and UNCTAD Secretary-General Mukhisa Kituyi signed a joint declaration on increased cooperation between the WTO and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in the area of trade and development which mentions the EIF under the commitments in favour of LDCs.
13 October 2015
Content from a Premium Partner
World Trade Organization (Geneva)
press release

Director-General Roberto Azevêdo on Tuesday (6 October) welcomed the backing of G-20 Trade Ministers for a package of substantive outcomes at the Ministerial Conference in Nairobi this December. The Director-General concluded a two-day series of meetings in Istanbul by briefing Ministers on the state of play of negotiations in Geneva. He welcomed the leadership of the Government of Turkey in advancing the multilateral trade agenda at the G-20 meeting.

"The support of G-20 countries and all other WTO members is vital in moving forward towards a strong and successful outcome in Nairobi. I hope to build on the positive messages of support in Istanbul to continue our discussions in Geneva, including at the General Council on Thursday," the Director-General said.

Ministers encouraged the Director-General to continue exploring the contours of a possible Nairobi package including through intensifying work in areas where outcomes may be more likely. This included development-related issues with a particular focus on least-developed countries (LDCs); the issue of agriculture export competition to secure enhanced disciplines on the full range of export linked support for farmers; and a set of possible outcomes to improve transparency on rules and regulations in areas such as fisheries subsidies, domestic regulation and anti-dumping.

The Director-General made clear that working on these issues would not preclude work on other areas where members feel consensus may still be achieved. There would also be a need to discuss in parallel the path of future work on unresolved Doha Development Agenda negotiating issues after the Nairobi Ministerial meeting.

“I welcome the recognition by G-20 Ministers that WTO members need to also intensify discussion on the path forward after Nairobi. I was encouraged to hear that no one disagrees on the continuing central importance of development to this work and that core unresolved issues of the Doha Development Agenda, such as agriculture, industrial goods and services, will continue to be an important part of that discussion”.

While the DG welcomed the positive signals he received in Istanbul, he cautioned Ministers that a great deal of intensive work remained and that negotiators must be prepared to use the remaining weeks before Nairobi to narrow differences and agree outcomes.

“We are at a critical juncture in defining whether or not we can achieve positive outcomes in Nairobi. I think there is a clear desire by all WTO members for Nairobi to be a success. Members want to build on the success of our meeting in Bali two years ago to show that the WTO is continuing to deliver concrete results. And, particularly, there is a clear desire to deliver for Africa and for LDCs,” the Director-General said.

The Director-General is returning to Geneva to participate in the General Council meeting on 8 October.

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