Burkina Faso By Far Exceeds Its Objectives for Its Development Plan

9 December 2016
Content from a Premium Partner
African Media Agency (New York)
press release

The President, His Excellency Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, and the government of Burkina Faso, managed to mobilise almost 28 billion euros (18,500 billion CFA francs) within the framework of the conference of partners for the financing of the National Economic and Social Development Plan.

More than 350 people participated in the first day of the conference for the financing of the National Economic and Social Development Plan programme (PNDES 2016 -2020) which gathered all its technical and financial partners on Wednesday 7th December in Paris.

During this event, organised by the Burkinabe Government with the support of the World Bank, the partners reaffirmed their confidence in the country and are firmly committed to backing the government in its implementation of the PNDES, highlighting its relevance. The Public-Sector partners announced an amount of 12,2 billion euros (8000 billion CFA francs).

More than 800 investors from the world over took part in the second day devoted to the private-sector, on Thursday the 8th December. 80 development projects were presented to economic operators.

Intentions in funding to an amount of approximately 16 billion euros (10 500 CFA francs) were announced in the energy, infrastructures, ICT etc. sectors. The State is funding 15 billion euros for the implementation of the PNDES the global cost of which is estimated at nearly 23,5 billion euros (15 395 billion CFA francs).

Additional funding of 8,5 billion euros, 5 570 billion CFA francs is required. The result of a participatory and inclusive process, the PNDES is the strategic framework for economic and social development of Burkina Faso for the period 2016 to 2020, based on the presidential programme, the Burkina Vision 2025 and the international agendas of sustainable development.

President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré declared during the opening ceremony, "Your mobilisation testifies to the commitment of the community partners of Burkina Faso to continued support of the efforts deployed by the Government to ensure the well-being of the Burkinabe population. Thank you for your meaningful participation, a sign of your interest in the development of my country."

The Prime Minister Paul Kaba Thiéba declared, "I hope this conference will be a framework for partnership, a framework for reciprocal commitments and a new partnership to put our country on the path to strong and sustainable growth. I hope what is done today will be the start of a solid partnership."

Makhtar Diop, Vice-President of the World Bank for Africa, declared, "The World Bank Group, leading partner for Burkina, has mobilised a funding of 3,8 billion dollars to accompany the implementation of the national development plan. This exceptional amount is the height of ambition expressed by the authorities to commit to the reforms in depth which will permit them to follow the diversification of the economy and to create jobs in favour of young people and women."

Excerpts of interventions

Matthias Fekl, Secretary of State responsible for Foreign Trade for the promotion of Tourism and the French abroad: "The PNDES provides good answers to the immediate and longer term challenges on the questions of environment and urbanisation."

Michaëlle Jean, Secretary General of the Francophonie: "It is a conference which marks the start of a new Faso [... ] Burkina Faso does not come empty handed but with a solid and credible plan."

Andrew Young, Ambassador to the United States in Burkina Faso: "Now more than ever, Burkina Faso is open for business."

Marcel De Souza, President of the ECOWAS Commission pointed out, "A remarkable financial effort on the part of Burkina Faso [... ] I remain convinced that the business environment is favourable for investments."

Tosi Mpanu-Mpanu, Administrator of the UNO Green Funds: "Burkina Faso must serve as an example for other countries in the sub-region. It does not present itself as a victim of global warming and wants to transform constraints into opportunities."

Metsi Makhetha, coordinator of the United Nations System in Burkina Faso, declared: "for the first time in the history of the United Nations, Burkina Faso has been chosen as a pilot country for ‹‹sustaining peace›› [... ] Burkina Faso has demonstrated its capacity to want to create the conditions so that the PNDES is implemented within the framework of social dialogue. It is in this that the term sustaining peace finds its justification.

Distributed by African Media Agency on behalf of MK Conseil.

About the PNDES

The PNDES represents, at a global and sectorial level, the national priorities during the mandate of President R.M.C. Kaboré. It is part of a dynamic structural transformation of the economy and aims at improving the living conditions of the Burkinabe thanks to strong, inclusive and sustainable growth. The objective from now until 2020 is to reach an average growth rate of 7,7% and to create 50 000 jobs per year.

The PNDES revolves around three strategic axes: "reform the institutions and modernise the administration", "develop human capital", "revitalise the carrier sectors for the economy and employment"

The financial strategy reserved for the implementation of the PNDES rests on a multi-stakeholder approach which combines all the actors both public and private. For more information, please visit: www.conferenceburkina2016.gov.bf

Media contact:

Eloine Barry


+1 917 244 8984

Source: MK Conseil

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