Kenya: Ruto Says Western Kenya Locked in Kenya Kwanza

Deputy President William Ruto (file photo).

Nairobi — Deputy President William Ruto has boasted of a solid vote base in Western region which he said is firmly in Kenya Kwanza.

Speaking from Bukhungu Stadium in Kakamega County on Sunday, the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) presidential candidate called on the residents who have previously been voting for his closest political rival Raila Odinga to shift camp.

"Many people from various parts of the country are in Kenya Kwanza. Those who started this journey of uniting Kenyans is Musalia and Wetangula. Let us forget the past and focus on the future. I am urging all of you to join the winning team which is Kenya Kwanza," DP Ruto said.

DP Ruto was accompanied by a section of Western leaders including ANC Leader Musalia Mudavadi, Ford Kenya Moses Wetangula, gubernatorial candidate Cleophas Malala and Boni Khalwale who vowed to deliver 95 percent of the Western Kenya votes.

"Ruto loves us, he has built churches, schools, constructed roads, educated children from disadvantaged families and it is now our time to pay him back. He has the interest of the Luhya people at heart," Khalwale said.

Wetangula and Musalia hit out at opinion poll firms that have indicated that Western region and Kakamega fall under the undecided category.

"We have seen those sponsored polls saying that we are undecided. We want to tell them that us Luhya people have a stand. We know what we want, and we are going for it. We are in Kenya Kwanza 100 percent," said Wetangula.

Western Kenya has in the previous elections voted overwhelmingly for ODM leader Raila Odinga.

The other two include George Wajakoyah of the Roots Party and David Mwaure of Agano Party.

Odinga and Ruto are among four candidates who have been cleared to run for presidency in the upcoming August 9 general elections.

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