Somalia: President Offered Condolences Following the Assassination of Abe

Somali president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has joined world leaders in the condolences over the death of former Japan's PM Shinzo Abe.

Mohamud paid tribute to Abe, after he was fatally shot while campaigning for his political allies Friday morning.

"The government & its people send their condolences to the Japanese people & nation on the killing of former PM Shinzo Abe. We also give our message of solidarity to his family, friends, and colleagues," said President Hassan Sheikh in a Twitter post.

The president added that it was an honor for him to have worked with him on Somalia-Japan relations during his tenure as Japan's prime minister.

Abe had made big strides to improve diplomatic ties between Japan and Somalia during his time in office, including the signing of a historic agreement on the bilateral ties.

Abe became Japan's longest-serving prime minister before stepping down in 2020 due to ill health. However, he has remained to be one of the most influential political figures in contemporary Japan.

Shinzo Abe, Japan's longest-serving prime minister, has died after being shot in the city of Nara while campaigning for a parliamentary election.

Police say they arrested a 41-year-old man who allegedly shot Abe with a hand-made gun.

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