Zimbabwe: Opposition Party in an Attempt to Stop 2023 Elections

Voter registration slip (file photo).
30 January 2023

The People's Unity Party (PUP0 says it will stop at nothing to ensure that the 2023 elections are not held as the opposition party alleges that the ruling party is planning to rig the polls.

The party's leader, Herbert Chamuka said he has earmarked 25 March as the day it will make the national call through an organized demonstration in Harare and other cities around the country.

"We have it on good authority that Zanu-PF is planning to rig the 2023 elections once again and as PUP, we are going to ensure this stops by calling for elections to be stopped this year.

"The consequences of a rigged election are difficult for the ordinary people who bear the brunt of sanctions and strained relations from friendly nations hence we are fighting so that we do not see such happening," Chamuka said.

Chamuka said there is growing suspicion that ZEC and ZanuPF are working in cahoots to rig the elections and further compound the people of Zimbabwe to more misery.

The South African-based politician said ZEC is failing to show any effort to engage political parties, according to Chamuka, and this will impact on the outcome of elections as stakeholders' input was being ignored.

"We are encouraging all people regardless of their political affiliations to go out on the streets and reject the elections so that we fight in the same corner," Chamuka added.

His comments come as there are growing frustrations around the 2023 elections due to the highly debated ZEC's delimitation report which most civil society organizations, political parties and analysts say is a recipe for disaster if adopted for the upcoming polls.

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