Kenya to Enhance Trade and Investment Partnerships With Other Nations

Nairobi — Kenya has reaffirmed its commitment to working with other countries for the prosperity of its citizens.

President William Ruto noted that the common areas of interest include trade and investment, transport, agriculture, ICT and labour.

"We must deepen, reinforce and expand our international cooperation for our transformation."

He spoke on Wednesday at State House when he received credentials from eight Ambassadors.

He lauded them on their appointment and wished them best of luck in their tour of duty in Kenya.

"I look forward to working with you," the President said.

They were Miroslaw Gojdz (Poland), Mahi Boumedienne (Algeria), Andrew Sesinyi (Botswana) and Sultan Aghami Oglu Hajiyev (Azerbaijan).

Others were Jose A Blanco (Dominican Republic), Amadou Hassane Mai Dawa (Niger), Nounke Kaba (Guinea) and Conrad Mederic (Seychelles). - Presidential Communication Service

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