Kenya: Gachagua Urges Meru Leaders to Help Governor Mwangaza Resolve Differences With MCAs

Kenyan Airways plane wing.
1 October 2023

Meru — Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has urged Political and religious leaders in Meru County to help governor Kawira Mwangaza resolve her differences amicably with the Members of the County Assembly (MCAs).

While attending church service at Methodist church of Kenya in Kaelo, Gachagua pleaded with the leaders to unite for the development of the region.

"I plead with you to unite,and to look for peace for the development of Meru county, 'we are one people of the mountain, our unity is our strength," he stated.

Gachagua has urged Meru leaders to prioritize the unity of the region and avoid selfish engagements that don't support nor favor the region's development.

"Prioritize the unity of the region before anything else. You must agree and lower the Political temperature. Let us work together with unity," he Stated adding that him and President William Ruto will not interfere with the leadership wrangles being witnessed in the county.

Governor Mwangaza and the area MCAS have been in dispute over the leadership of the county with the MCAs hinting at a second impeachment motion to kick Mwangaza out of office.

Mwangaza has, however, dared the MCAs to bring on the impeachment motion saying it will fail.

His deputy Issac Mutuma also presented his frustrations with the governor stating that the county has lost leadership.

"When you see a Meru man getting overwhelmed with emotions. It has not been easy. It has been a one tough year for me,"stated Mutuma while appearing before the MCAs at Meru County Assembly.

The area MCAs have been blaming Governor Mwangaza for not involving them in major decisions making for the county.

In December 2022, Governor Mwangaza was saved from her first impeachment motion from Meru MCAs by the senate special Committee.

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