Uganda: Census Goes Against God's Creed, Say Arrested Sheema Defiers

Enumerators carrying out the National Housing and Population Census exercise in Bugongi Town Council, Sheema District, were compelled to call the cops on members of two households who resisted the exercise.

According to Sam Orikunda, the Sheema Deputy Resident District Commissioner, Ms Justine Bamuheire, 72, and Ms Beatrice Bashemerirwe, 56, resisted to be counted even when the enumerators reached out to their homes thrice.

"We received information from leaders that there were two households from this area that refused to be counted," Orikunda said.

"We went to the area this morning with police and enumerators and when I approached one of the women, she told me that she can't accept to be counted."

According to Orikunda, the resistance from the women, residents of Nyakashambya Cell in Kyarukunda Ward, stems from biblical and religious beliefs.

"The old women said that they refused to be counted because when they are counted, they will have gone against God, and without revealing their religion, they said it doesn't allow being counted," he said.

The deputy RDC ordered the arrest of the two women and on reaching he police station, one accepted to undergo the exercise but the other remained defiant.

"When we reached police, one of the old women accepted to be counted and will be given police bond and returns home to be counted but the other completely insisted and refused to be counted or give any details of her household and is still being detained at Kabwohe police," Orikunda added.

He called upon all people to comply with the exercise and commended the enumerators for reporting such cases.

Whether this is really a question of sensitisation by UBOS and other stakeholders or religious influence remains a concern for investigation.

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