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GE Africa (Lagos)

GE Africa Marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Almost 50% of breast cancer cases and 58% of deaths occur in less developed countries, according to the World Health Organisation. To celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month, GE teams in Ghana and Nigeria held a fundraiser cookout. GE Healthcare is committed to personalised breast care solutions and offers a portfolio of technologies, insights and services to help meet the unique breast care needs of all women, especially those with elevated risks. Find out more. More about GE in Africa in this BRIEFING

The GE teams in Nigeria and Ghana used a meeting room to set up a makeshift breast examination area and they also participated in a cook-off to raise funds for a breast cancer organisation.

The GE teams in Nigeria and Ghana used a meeting room to set up a makeshift breast examination area and they also participated in a cook-off to raise funds for a breast cancer organisation.

The GE teams in Nigeria and Ghana used a meeting room to set up a makeshift breast examination area and they also participated in a cook-off to raise funds for a breast cancer organisation.


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