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GE Africa (Lagos)

Helping Doctors from Around the World Care for Athletes in Rio

The Vscan, a mobile ultrasound scanner used by many African primary health care workers to help visualize information about what is happening inside the body, will be one of the GE digital imaging technologies deployed at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games to treat athletes as fast as possible and get them back on the field to play. According to Dr Richard Budgett, the GE-equipped Polyclinic Clinic in Rio "is the jewel in the crown of medical provision at the Olympic Games... a large building in the middle of the Olympic Village, where athletes or any members of the Olympic family go if they're injured or sick. It can deal with anything that doesn't need to go to hospital for an operation." Go inside Rio 2016's amazing Polyclinic. More about GE in Africa in this BRIEFING.  

  • Africa:  Inside Rio 2016's Amazing Polyclinic

    GE Africa, 8 August 2016

    The Olympic Games is a festival of physicality, with the superhuman feats of thousands of athletes, a source of awe for billions of mortals spectating from couches around the… Read more »

According to Olympic gold-medallist and sport-medicine specialist Dr Richard Budgett, the GE-equipped Polyclinic Clinic in Rio "is the jewel in the crown of medical provision at the Olympic Games... a large building in the middle of the Olympic Village, where athletes or any members of the Olympic family go if they’re injured or sick. It can deal with anything that doesn’t need to go to hospital for an operation."


GE's Vscan, a mobile ultrasound scanner used by many African primary health care workers to assess pregnancy risks by providing a non-invasive method to help visualize information about what is happening inside the body, will be one of the digital imaging technologies deployed at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.


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