How Technology In African Classrooms Can Boost Learning
At the start of each new year there's a global flurry of excitement and attention around education's new directions. Technology has become a key part of the discussion. Increased pressure on educators to improve student performance means that schools and universities are desperate for solutions. So they look to technology for change. However, the promise of technology in schools may fail to be realised until educators get a say in what, when and how they use it, writes The Conversation's Craig Blewett.
Students at a robotics camp (file photo).
One of the challenges that President Uhuru Kenyatta's pet project the Digital Literacy Programme has faced since 2013, is poor infrastructure. Questions were raised on how ... Read more »
The smart facilities at College Saint Andre in Nyamirambo were constructed under the innovative Information and Communications Technology-integrated classroom project backed by the ... Read more »
The One Laptop Per Child project is looking forward to acquiring 100,000 more laptops in a bid to ensure that all the schools benefit from the programme. Read more »