The African Capacity Building Foundation and the African Union Sign Memorandum of Understanding in the Margins of the AU Summit in Kampala

27 July 2010
Content from a Premium Partner
African Union (Addis Ababa)
press release

Uganda — Strategic partnership between the African Capacity Building Foundation and the African Union to harness joint resources for a better Africa

The African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) and the African Union (AU) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to cement their strategic partnership. H.E. Mr. Jean Ping, Chairperson of the African Union Commission signed on behalf of the AU and Dr. Frannie Léautier Executive Secretary on behalf of ACBF.  The Resolution on the Proclamation by the African Union of a Capacity Building Decade in Africa was declared in July 2002 in Durban, South Africa. The AU Capacity Building Decade culminates on 10 July 2012.  The Resolution states that: "…capacity building in our respective countries and within the regional organizations will guarantee peace and security, and make it possible to attain high growth rates…" Therefore, this MOU is the result of a long-standing relationship between the two organizations. The AU currently serves as an Observer on the ACBF Board of Governors.

The partnership will enhance and expand the existing collaborative arrangements between the two organizations, with a view to building the capacity of African countries in the areas of economic policy analysis, policy formulation, policy implementation and the overall management of economic policy for poverty reduction on the continent. The MOU will address the critical aspects of effective regional integration for the continent's socio economic development, enabling the development of collective solutions to cross - cutting issues within Africa and allowing for complementarity between the two organizations, in terms of skills, experience and future developments.

Specifically, the MOU will address co-operation in capacity building initiatives relating to, but not limited to issues of Economic Policy Analysis and Management; National Statistics and Statistical Systems; Public Administration and Management; and financial Management and Accountability. The MOU also encourages partnership between ACBF and NEPAD, in order to enhance collaboration and streamline capacity development initiatives.

At the opening ceremony of the Assembly of the African Union on 25 July 2010, H.E. President Yoweri Museveni noted that it is critical for Africa to have the requisite productive capacity. H.E. Jean Ping, at the same Forum, highlighted the need for capacity and collaboration with like-minded partners, such as H.E. President Felipe Calderone of Mexico, in attending to emerging challenges such as food security and climate change.

The signing of the MOU today, further highlights the leadership role that the African Union plays in creating platforms creating platforms for quality interaction with regards to development efforts in Africa. ACBF will celebrate its 20th Anniversary on 9 February 2011, and the Foundation will continue to complement the AU in capacity building, by investing in the human and institutional development required to address and develop effective policies for the continent.

About the African Capacity Building Foundation: ACBF was established in February 1991, as an outcome of collaboration between African governments and the international donor community. ACBF's mission is to build sustainable human and institutional capacity for sustainable growth, poverty reduction and good governance in Africa.

For further information contact:
African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)
Box 1562, Harare
Tel: +2511911511723
Tel: + 263 4 700208/210

Noureddine Menzi
AUC Chairperson Spokesperson
African Union Commission

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