Steering Committee of African-Arab Joint Action Plan on Agricultural Development and Food Security held

1 May 2011
Content from a Premium Partner
African Union (Addis Ababa)
press release

Jointly organized by the Department of Rural Economy And Agriculture of the African Union Commission (AUC) and the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD), the inaugural session of the Steering Committee of the African Arab Joint Action Plan (JAP) on Agricultural Development and Food Security was held at the head quarters of AOAD, in Khartoum, Sudan on 30th April to 1st May 2011. The session was held within the framework of establishing a facilitation unit to effectively implement JAP.

The meeting was attended by Mrs. Tumusiime Rhoda Peace, AU Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture; Mr. Tariq AL Zaidjail, Director General of AOAD; Mr. Ahmed Salaheddin Noah, Ambassador of the League of Arab States (LAS) to the AU; and Dr. Kamal Mahmoud, representative of the Director General of the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA).

During the inauguration session of the steering committee, Mrs. Tumusiime acknowledged the political leadership of the Africa (do you want to say of Africa or of the African Union) and Arab States that placed a high premium on the subject of agriculture, food security and rural development towards the economic development on the continent.

“Today, we have come to another watershed in the political and economic emancipation of our people. The inauguration of the steering committee as a means to an end is very encouraging” she said.

While emphasizing the importance of the agriculture led economy in Africa, she noted that over 80% of the workforce is agriculture based. “It is logical that agricultural development rightly deserves all the attention that it is receiving as the engine of our industrial revolution and economic growth”, she underlined. Addressing the increased frequency of natural disasters, including those driven by climate change, Commissioner Tumusiime said “Africa must transit from managing crisis to managing risks”.

Dr. AL Zaidjail noted with high appreciation the dynamism spurred by the new Africa Arab Partnership Strategy adopted by the second Africa Arab summit, and he reaffirmed the commitment of AOAD to work together in implementing the decisions of the political leadership of the two regions in advancing the goals of the JAP.

Among other issues, the meeting agreed on conceptualizing and streaming JAP within the framework of the Comprehensive African Agriculture Programme (CAADP) and the Arab Strategy for Sustainable Agricultural Development (ASSAD); engaging member states to prepare and submit concrete projects of funding sources; and members of the steering committee to link institutions of LAS and the AU for mutual support in guiding their respective member states.

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