Ghana: Zipline Drone Delivery Services Improves Healthcare in Central Tongu District

2 December 2022

Essential drugs delivery to the Kpoviadzi Health Centre in the Central Tongu District of the Volta Region has improved marginally, following the operations of Zipline drones delivery service of drugs to the health facility.

That saw Out Patient Department (OPD) cases increasing between 20-40 daily.

Ms Aisha Ankrah, Senior Enrolled Nurse of the facility revealed this to the "Ghanaian Times" yesterday during a fact- finding mission to explore the impact made by Zipline Ghana, a year of its operations in some health facilities in some parts of Volta Region.

Zipline Ghana is a medical drone delivery company that supply vital medical necessities across Ghana.

According to, Ms Aisha Ankrah, their roads are very bad and hard to reach and drugs for the facility were usually left in Adidome which is about 10 kilometers from their facility.

She said they have to take 'Okada' mostly to go and convey the drugs, which most of the time was risky.

"But with the coming of Zipline they only have to put in their request and in less than 30 minutes a drone will deliver the drugs," she said.

She added that most of their referral cases to higher facilities had reduced due to the prompt delivery of essential drugs by Zipline.

Ms Aisha explained further that, it was helping them save lives, since recently a patient with very high blood pressure, and they needed to put infusion on him, but within 30 minutes when Zipline was informed the drug was delivered.

She commended Zipline and the government for introducing the technology to save lives in remote areas.

On her part, Madam Vera Nyameta, District Disease Control Officer, Central Tongu District Health Directorate, noted that most of their facilities were hard- to- reach and difficult in terms of accessibility and bad road network.

However, they are trying to do their best to reach all the unreached population with regards to health delivery.

She said before the coming in of Zipline, facilities had to put in requisitions of drugs through the District Medical Stores which took much time before to get to health facilities.

But with the coming in of Zipline the facilities that are on their list just have to place orders and the drugs delivered within a short period.

She said apart from one facility all the 22 health facilities in the district get their essential drugs through Zipline.

Ms Magdaline Awushie Bukudah, Community Leader of Zipline for her part, for a year now they are serving 351 health facilities in Volta and Eastern regions and have delivered over 1.3 million units of medical commodities like vaccines and blood units.

On daily bases they have served about 90 to 150 deliveries and made a lot of impacts.

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