Rwanda: Who Are the Three ICTR-Indicted Genocide Fugitives Still At Large?

After the arrest of Fulgence Kayishema, the number of Genocide fugitives indicted by the former International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) is now down to three.

For years, the ICTR, which transferred its responsibilities to the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) in 2016, made an effort to gather intelligence on the whereabouts of a number of top fugitives. As a result, many were arrested, save for three who are still at large.

Among those arrested are Ladislas Ntaganzwa, Felicien Kabuga, and Fulgence Kayishema, while Protais Mpiranya, Augustin Bizimana, and Phénéas Munyarugarama were confirmed to have died.

In this article, The New Times takes a look at the three who are still at large.

1. Aloys Ndimbati

A former Bourgmestre of Gisovu commune, Kibuye préfecture, Ndimbati was charged before ICTR with genocide, complicity in genocide, direct and public incitement to commit genocide, and crimes against humanity, committed in the area he was leading.

According to his indictment, around April 10 or 11, 1994, Ndimbati, using a megaphone, publicly called for the elimination of Tutsi.

He allegedly did so from the Gisovu communal vehicle which he drove around while escorted by five of his policemen and followed by a crowd of people, mainly Interahamwe, to whom, among others, his address was directed.

Ndimbati's address allegedly prompted, encouraged, provided moral support to, and thus contributed to the subsequent crimes in the commune specified in the indictment.

The indictment also alleges that around April 14, 1994, at the guesthouse of the Gisovu Tea Factory, Ndimbati instructed and prompted Interahamwe to rape and kill a Tutsi woman by the name of Annociata Mujawayezu.

The indictment also pins him on the killing of the Tutsi who lived in the neighbourhood of Bisesero who fled their homes and sought refuge in the Bisesero hills hoping to defend themselves from the attacks. It is alleged that Ndimbati relentlessly attacked these refugees over a period of several months, killing thousands.

2. Charles Ryandikayo

Ryandikayo was a businessman in Mubuga secteur, Gishyita commune, in the Kibuye prefecture.

He was charged before the ICTR with genocide, complicity in genocide, direct and public incitement to commit genocide and crimes against humanity, committed in Kibuye préfecture during the period of April-July 1994.

According to the indictment, after the death of President Habyarimana, there was much insecurity in the Gishyita commune and many other communes in Kibuye préfecture.

As a result, Tutsi fled to different parts of the Bisesero area and also took shelter in places considered safe havens, including Murangara Adventist Church and Mubuga Catholic Church.

It is alleged that, between April 12 and 20 1994, Ryandikayo together with Interahamwe, and other armed Hutu civilians repeatedly attacked these churches and killed the Tutsi taking shelter there.

The indictment further alleges that between April 8 1994 and 14 May 1994, Ryandikayo, Interahamwe, and other Hutu militias, attacked Tutsi who had taken refuge in the Bisesero hills. During these attacks, thousands of Tutsi were killed and harmed, according to the indictment.

3. Charles Sikubwabo

A former Bourgmestre of Gishyita commune in Kibuye préfecture, Sikubwabo was charged before the ICTR with genocide, complicity in genocide, conspiracy to commit genocide, and crimes against humanity, committed in the area he was leading.

According to the indictment, he played a key role in the killing of the Tutsi who had fled to Mugonero Complex, which consisted of several buildings, including a church, an infirmary, and a hospital.

On April 16, 1994, he was part of a convoy consisting of several vehicles followed by a large number of individuals armed with weapons who went to the Mugonero Complex and participated in an attack on the men, women, and children in the complex.

The indictment further alleges that during the months following the attack on the Mugonero Complex, Sikubwabo, among others, searched for and attacked Tutsi survivors and others, killing and causing serious bodily or mental harm to them.

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