Zimbabwe: Charity Foundation Hosts Marondera Wellness Outreach

5 September 2024

A significant milestone for community health and empowerment was achieved by the Adam Molai Foundation (AMF) which recently hosted its fourth Health and Wellness Outreach event at Greene Park in Marondera.

The event drew a substantial crowd and was supported by several partners including the Ministry of Health and Child Care, Nyaradzo Group, ZB Bank Holdings, Friends of the Environment and the Chrysolite Foundation.

A total of 255 individuals benefitted from the event, receiving medical consultation services and medication. Beyond healthcare services, participants also gained valuable insights into financial literacy and information on funeral insurance.

The outreach included a focus on the girl child, with representatives from the Chrysolite Foundation providing guidance on menstrual health and distributing free sanitary ware.

Mrs Noma Nyaundi, Executive Director of the Adam Molai Foundation, expressed her gratitude to the partners and the community for their support.

"We are thrilled to see such a strong turnout and the positive impact this event has had on the community. Our mission is to uplift communities through holistic health and wellness initiatives, and we are committed to continuing this work," Mrs Nyaundi said.

Dr Delight Madoro, the Marondera District Medical Officer based at Mahusekwa Hospital, who was part of the team providing medical consultations, highlighted the importance of such outreach programs.

"These events are crucial in bridging the healthcare gap in urban areas. We were able to provide essential medical services to many who might not have had access otherwise, mainly due to financial reasons.

The collaboration with the Adam Molai Foundation and other partners has been invaluable," Dr Madoro noted.

Medical personnel dealt with various health issues among the 255 people who received medical consultations at the event.

"We were able to give consultations on a variety of ailments, including chronic diseases such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes and other disorders, which seem common among frequent healthcare users," said Dr. Madoro.

"Apart from diagnoses and the free distribution of prescribed medicines and injections, we had the opportunity to advise on critical health issues such as the prevention of conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer screening, and drug and alcohol abuse."

General health and wellness were the main focus of the outreach, with advice on maintaining balanced nutrition and overall health and well-being shared with attendees. Representatives from the partner organisations shared their experiences and the value of their participation.

"The Nyaradzo Group is dedicated to supporting community initiatives that enhance the well-being of our people. This event aligns perfectly with our mission to provide comprehensive services beyond funeral care," said a spokesperson for Nyaradzo Group.

ZB Bank Holdings emphasised the importance of financial literacy in community development.

The Chrysolite Foundation, which focused on menstrual health and provided free sanitary ware, underscored the critical need for such interventions.

"Ensuring that girls have access to menstrual health information and resources is essential for their health, education, and overall well-being.

"We are happy to contribute to this cause and will continue to support similar initiatives," said Mrs Rosemary Muchadya, the programmes officer at the Chrysolite Foundation.

Mrs Muchadya is one of the volunteers at the Adam Molai Foundation who has discovered a niche in assisting the girl-child in Marondera, some of whom were beneficiaries of their philanthropic programmes in the city.

Also showcasing their products at the event were members of the Adam Molai Foundation sewing club, Mrs Nyaradzo Chakwanda and Mrs Loice Chigaga.

The club was established by the foundation to train former beneficiaries of the feeding scheme to be self-sufficient.

It forms part of the foundation's various sustainable entrepreneurial initiatives, including local communal market gardens and support for farmers in Mutoko.

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