Namibia: Dam Levels Boosted By Widespread Rains

THE Hardap Dam's level has reached 36% of the dam's storage capacity, with the reservoir still receiving strong inflow, the Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) reported on Thursday.

NamWater reported that the Hardap Dam's level reached 36% of its storage capacity by 12h00 on Thursday, when the dam was still receiving a strong inflow of water at a rate of about 1 004 cubic metres per second.

Von Bach Dam's level increased to 49.6% on Thursday, while Swakoppoort Dam's level rose to 43.4%, NamWater also reported.

Von Bach Dam was receiving inflow at a rate of 123 cubic metres per second by noon on Thursday, the water utility also reported.

Swakoppoort Dam's level rose to 43.4% by noon on Thursday, with a recorded inflow rate of 18 cubic metres per second at that stage.

Neckartal Dam's level stood at 84.2% (722 million cubic metres) on Thursday, NamWater reported as well.

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