Three subsidiaries of Pan-African banking group Oragroup win The Banker "Bank of the year award"

30 November 2018
Content from a Premium Partner
35Nord (Paris)
press release

The three subsidiaries of the Oragroup Banking Group, in Burkina Faso, Senegal and Togo won the award for best bank in their respective countries. This award is presented by The Banker magazine, a publication of the Financial Times group.

Lomé, Togo, 30 November 2018 - The three subsidiaries of Pan-African banking group Oragroup - in Burkina Faso, Senegal and Togo - won the "Best Bank" award in their respective countries at the Banker Awards ceremony held on 29 November in London by The Banker magazine, a publication of the Financial Times group. The award recognizes the best banks around the world, "those that have been able to deliver returns, gain strategic advantage and serve their markets".

This distinction, awarded to three of Oragroup's twelve subsidiaries, is in recognition of the development strategy adopted since the majority shareholder Emerging Capital Partners (ECP), together with development banks, acquired a stake. In 10 years, Oragroup's growth trajectory has been exemplary. The Orabank network has grown from a presence in five West and Central African countries to a pan-African dimension with subsidiaries in 12 countries in four currency zones.

At the end of 2017, Oragroup had a total balance sheet of CFAF 1,794 billion (€2.72 billion), representing 45% growth since 2014. In total, the Group posted a net banking income of CFAF 108 billion (€164 million, up 33%) and net income up sharply by 45% year-on-year and by 205% since 2014 to CFAF 21.97 billion (€33 million).

Binta TOURE NDOYE, Chief Executive Officer of Oragroup, said: "These awards vindicate the preferred strategy for the development of our group. In the long term, we want to be in the top 5 most successful banks in each of the Group's countries of presence. These distinctions testify to the efforts made by our bank and I would like to congratulate in particular the managers and teams of Burkina Faso, Senegal and Togo."

Mr Martial GOEH-AKUE, Managing Director of Orabank Burkina Faso, said: "Burkina Faso is a fast-growing and very competitive market with a very dynamic private sector. We are particularly proud to have won this award twice in a row."

Mr. Luc MORIO, Managing Director of Orabank Senegal, said: "As a relative newcomer to the fiercely competitive Senegalese market, we are enthused by this award. We will sustain our strategy to win market share through innovative products and outstanding service."

Mr. Guy-Martial AWONA, CEO of Orabank Togo, said: "As our home country, Togo is at the forefront of everything we do at Orabank. We will keep experimenting our most innovative solutions, from mobile banking to tailored products for SMEs,  so as to remain a very relevant player in the financial landscape."

About Oragroup
Oragroup is present in 12 countries in West and Central Africa (Benin, Burkina, Côte d'Ivoire, Chad, Gabon, Guinea Conakry, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Togo) and in four monetary zones (UEMOA, CEMAC, Guinea Conakry, Mauritania). With 139 banking branches and 1,811 employees, Oragroup offers its 430,000 customers (governments, institutions, NGOs, large companies, national and international, SMEs and individuals) a wide range of banking products and services based on the principles of proximity and responsiveness.
Oragroup is working to promote financial inclusion through the deployment of innovative solutions. It also focuses on the least banked segments of the population. This commitment is reflected in its CSR approach, which is an integral part of its strategy and a priority for its management bodies, focusing on energy transition, environmental and social risk management, and the well-being of the public and its employees.
For more information, please visit or follow us on LinkedIn, @GroupeOrabank on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, You Tube.

Press contacts

Orabank - Communication Department
Delphine Ndiaye
+228 92 52 08 04 / +228 99 86 41 44

35°Nord - Press Relations Agency
Nicolas Teisserenc
+33 (0)6 18 09 66 90


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