Kenya Floods Wreaking Havoc on Infrastructure, Crops and Lives

Kenya has been devastated by extreme flooding during the long rainy season from March to May, with 40 of 47 counties affected, over 230 deaths, and around 40,000 households displaced. Poor infrastructure maintenance and disregard for environmental regulations exacerbated the situation.
The floods have caused massive damage to transport infrastructure like roads, railways, and airports, as well as destruction of croplands, threatening food security. Assessments from the 2018 floods showed the government had to allocate over $120 million for repairs. With over 40,000 acres of crops already destroyed, food prices will likely remain high.

The economic impacts span higher transport costs, business losses, reduced consumer purchasing power, and major reconstruction costs straining Kenya's already tight budget.

The Interior Ministry revealed that the death toll from recent severe weather has climbed to 289 casualties. An additional 188 individuals have sustained injuries, while 75 people remain unaccounted for.


To enhance ongoing search and rescue operations during the flooding, the Kenya Red Cross had to deploy new rescue boats, particularly in high-risk flood areas. These boats pictured here are now actively supporting operations in Tana River and Kilifi Counties.

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