Congo-Kinshasa: Remarks of Jeanine Mabunda Lioko Mudiayi on Sexual Violence and Child Recruitment in The Democratic Republic of Congo Before the United Nations Security Council

Madam Jeanine Mabunda,Advisor on Sexual Violence and Child Recruitment to DRC President Joseph Kabila, addressing reporters outside of Bunia City Hall
15 April 2015

New York — Following is the text of remarks before the United Nations Security Council by Jeanine Mabunda Lioko Mudiayi, the personal representative of the president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in charge of sexual violence and child recruitment.

Madam President - It is an honor to participate, on behalf of my Government, to this meeting of the Security Council. To that end, I would like to congratulate you for your appointment as President of this session.

I also want to thank His Excellency Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the UN, and Mrs. Zainab Bangura, its special representative, for their commitment and devotion to this cause of in general and for the special attention they've paid to the Democratic Republic of Congo during the last two consecutive years in fighting sexual violence.

Press Release: DRC Fully Committed to Ending the Scourge of Sexual Violence

As most of you know, for over a decade, the DRC has faced brutal armed conflicts in the eastern part of its territory where rape has been used as a weapon of war with all the collateral damage that resulted. Today the DRC deplores nearly 6 million deaths. But despite the challenges, the DRC has made remarkable progress in the fight against sexual violence as evidenced by the report Secretary General report today. Indeed, this report clearly states a large decrease of sexual violence cases from 15,323 against 10,882 in 2014, approximately 33% decrease in one year and cases of rape by the security forces also decreased from 71% in 2013 42% in 2014.
Since my appointment in July 2014, the DRC has recorded significant progress including:

  • Justice and the fight against impunity: from July to December 2014, 135 convictions of senior officers of the armed forces and the national police The establishment of a hotline in November 2014 to refer victims to medical and legal assistance.
  • The establishment of a special fund for victims: proposal for a law for the establishment of a compensation fund for victims; Prevention sexual violence: launch of the advertising campaign "Break the Silence" coupled with a radio spot to strengthen prevention in the fight against sexual violence;
  • The socio-economic reintegration: collaboration with the National Institute of Professional Preparation (INPP) for the socio-professional training for victims of violence and demobilized children. The first training will begin at the end of June 2015.
  • Create the rule of precedent (jurisprudence): The publication of the first Bulletin collecting specific judgments on sexual violence will be produce in the coming months and shared with a larger audience
  • South Kivu Province: Civil Justice handled 1,594 cases in 2014 against 2,248 cases in 2013 and 1,149 cases were referred to court in 2014 against 2,234 in 2013. 123 judgments were delivered including 107 convictions.

This progress has been made with a the substantial support of the Congolese Government on from his own resources and technical support of the international community including Japan through the Office of Mrs. Bangura and UNFPA.

Certainly, challenges remain and seem enormous. But today, women and Congolese girls who paid the heavy price of this journey of horror, took the decision to leave the camp of mourners for the resilience to take control of their destiny as Women, not kneeling, but standing and determined to put an end to these challenges.

Madam President, these results would not have been achieved without the genuine will of DRC President Joseph Kabila His Excellency Mr KABANGE and Prime Minister through consistent long-term structural policies to meet the requirements of development and not of the emergency or humanitarian assistance.
Thank you for your attention

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