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GE Africa (Lagos)

The First Mile Discovery Challenge - Call for Submissions

Up to 10 $1k awards for the top challenges. Are you passionate about global primary care? Have you witnessed recurrent barriers to care in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs)? CAMTech and GE Sustainable Healthcare Solutions are calling on all clinicians and innovators to identify and submit critical healthcare challenges in primary care through a First Mile Discovery Challenge. We need your experience, expertise and ideas to target key challenges in primary health care ('the first mile') with a focus on maternal and child health, cardiovascular screening/health and safe surgery. Calls for submissions open July 25th and are due September 1st, 2016 via the CAMTech Innovation Platform. For more information, visit First Mile ChallengeMore about GE in Africa in this BRIEFING

The First Mile Discovery Challenge will identify recurrent burdens in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) with a focus on maternal, newborn and child health, cardiac care, and safe surgery. Up to ten $1,000 prizes will be awarded for the best defined challenges.


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