Ethiopia Takes Tough Stance on News Sites and Reporters

Ethiopia continues to make life difficult for many journalists, as Charlayne Hunter-Gault reports from her recent visit to Addis Ababa to check on the fate of one imprisoned reporter. In addition, the government has banned Skype and services that offer audio and video related communications and is reportedly using sophisticated technology to selectively block other websites to limit access to information.
  • Ethiopia:  Journalists Live in Fear of 'Terror' Law

    allAfrica, 19 June 2012

    Nowhere across Africa is the message that its people want a way out of what I call "the four Ds" - death, disease, disaster and despair - more resounding than among the continent's… Read more »

The so called Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), is an advanced network filtering method mainly used by countries which have bad press freedom records commonly known as "Enemies of the Internet" such as China and Iran.


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