Africa: Ebola Death Toll Nears 7,000 - WHO

In its latest update, the World Health Organization announced that close to 7,000 people have now died in the worst Ebola outbreak in history.

  • West Africa:   Ebola Death Toll Nears 7,000 - WHO

    DW, 30 November 2014

    The World Health Organization has dramatically revised the death toll from the Ebola outbreak. Almost 7,000 have died from the virus - adding 1,200 more to a count released days… Read more »

  • Liberia:   A Hospital Comes Back to Life

    Catholic Relief Services, 28 November 2014

    St. Joseph's Catholic Hospital in Monrovia had survived some of the worst periods in Liberia's history, providing essential health services through times of war and chaos—and… Read more »

  • West Africa:   Ebola Death Toll Exceeds 4,000

    DW, 10 October 2014

    More than 4,000 people have now died from the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, according to the World Health Organization. Most of those deaths have been in Liberia, Sierra Leone and… Read more »

  • West Africa:   Ebola Deaths Pass 3,000

    DW, 26 September 2014

    More than 3,000 people have now died from the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. But this number is probably an underestimate, the World Health Organization says. Read more »

  • Liberia:  Chief Medical Officer Places Herself in Ebola Quarantine

    allAfrica, 28 September 2014

    Liberia's chief medical officer has put herself under quarantine for 21 days, after one of her assistants, Rev. Napoleon Braithwaite, died from the deadly Ebola virus. Read more »

  • Guinea:   I Caught Ebola and Survived

    Thomson Reuters Foundation, 10 October 2014

    I got Ebola because I went near an old man who was ill, and at that time, we didn't know what we had to do [to avoid Ebola]. Read more »

  • Zimbabwe:   Ebola - Scares and Reality

    The Herald, 11 October 2014

    "There is no Ebola in Zimbabwe. What we have are several scares." These were the words of Health and Child Care Minister Dr David Parirenyatwa commenting on the latest suspected… Read more »

  • West Africa:   Militarising the Ebola Crisis

    IPS, 28 September 2014

    Six months into West Africa's Ebola crisis, the international community is finally heeding calls for substantial intervention in the region. Read more »

  • West Africa:   IMF Approves Funds for Ebola Fight

    VOA, 26 September 2014

    The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved $129.5 million to Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone to help the three West African countries currently battling… Read more »

  • West Africa:   Acceleration Seen in Ebola Outbreak, Death Toll Exceeds 2,600

    VOA, 18 September 2014

    At least 2,622 people have died in the worst outbreak of Ebola virus in history, which has so far infected at least 5,335 people in West Africa, the World Health Organization (WHO)… Read more »

  • Liberia:   Collecting Liberia's Ebola Dead

    DW, 19 September 2014

    In Liberia, the bodies of people suspected to have died from Ebola are collected by teams of volunteers who take them for testing and then cremation if the virus is confirmed. It… Read more »

  • Liberia:   New Ebola Clinic Immediately Filled - 20 Deaths in Two Days

    FrontPageAfrica, 24 September 2014

    Barely two days after the opening of an Ebola treatment unit at the old Island clinic facility on the Bushrod Island, the 150-bed facility is now flooded with over 170 Ebola… Read more »

A burial team carries the body of a suspected Ebola victim under the watchful eyes of police officers.


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