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African Development Bank (Abidjan)

Energy, A Field of Opportunity for Africa - AfDB Report

"Reliable and affordable energy supply is key to generating the broad‑based and inclusive economic growth needed to make major inroads into poverty," the African Development Bank says in its first Development Effectiveness Review focusing on the energy sector. "Over the past four decades, we have invested over $13 billion in the energy sector, to boost generation capacity and rural electrification." The full report with infographics is available in the Development Effectiveness Review 2014 Energy section of the AfDB website.

Report examines challenges and opportunities in providing affordable and sustainable energy to African citizens.


Level 1: Africa’s progress in the energy sector. Over 620 million Africans are living without the benefits of an electricity connection, a situation that limits both their quality of life and their livelihood opportunities. African businesses suffer from high energy costs and unreliable connections that limit their competitiveness.

Level 2: The Bank’s contribution to the energy sector. This chapter sets out the Bank’s contribution to Africa’s energy needs, looking at policies, strategies and investments to increase access to affordable and reliable energy. We show how our programmes have developed over recent years, with a shift towards clean and renewable energy and a focus on increasing energy efficiency. We also describe how we have fostered regional cooperation and strengthened governance and energy sector reforms.

Level 3: How well is the Bank managing its energy portfolio? This chapter reviews how well the African Development Bank manages its portfolio of operations in the energy sector, drawing on the 16 indicators in Level 3 of our Results Measurement Framework.

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